Nearly 2,100 attendees took part in the 2025 NIC Spring Conference in San Diego and the overall industry sentiment was overwhelmingly positive. Upon check-in, all attendees were asked to rate their outlook for the senior housing & care sector for the year ahead. As detailed in the chart below, nearly 90% responded “extremely positive” or “positive” and less than 1% shared a negative or extremely negative outlook.
The sentiment from attendees is notably higher than one year ago and is also above what was measured at the 2024 NIC Fall Conference. The percentage of conference attendees with a positive outlook climbed by more than 9% across the past year.
Similar to other polls, there were differences across respondent type. The financial intermediaries in attendance at the conference had the most positive outlook, with 95% reporting a ‘positive’ or ‘extremely positive’ outlook for the year ahead. The lowest ratings came from healthcare providers. Roughly 85% of this group responding positively.
The NIC Research and Analytics team will continue to conduct the industry sentiment poll at upcoming conferences, including the 2025 NIC Fall Conference, September 8-10 in Austin, TX.