9 Out of 10 Express Positive Industry Outlook

by Lisa McCracken  / March 20, 2025

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Nearly 2,100 attendees took part in the 2025 NIC Spring Conference in San Diego and the overall industry sentiment was overwhelmingly positive. Upon check-in, all attendees were asked to rate their outlook for the senior housing & care sector for the year ahead. As detailed in the chart below, nearly 90% responded “extremely positive” or “positive” and less than 1% shared a negative or extremely negative outlook.

Source: 2025 NIC Spring Conference, Industry Sentiment Poll (N=1,884)

The sentiment from attendees is notably higher than one year ago and is also above what was measured at the 2024 NIC Fall Conference. The percentage of conference attendees with a positive outlook climbed by more than 9% across the past year. 

Similar to other polls, there were differences across respondent type. The financial intermediaries in attendance at the conference had the most positive outlook, with 95% reporting a ‘positive’ or ‘extremely positive’ outlook for the year ahead. The lowest ratings came from healthcare providers. Roughly 85% of this group responding positively. 

The NIC Research and Analytics team will continue to conduct the industry sentiment poll at upcoming conferences, including the 2025 NIC Fall Conference, September 8-10 in Austin, TX.