Announcing Gary Cohn as NIC Fall Conference 2018 General Session Speaker

July 10, 2018

Conference  • Healthcare and Wellness  • Market Trends  • Senior Housing  • Blog

Newt Gingrich, Larry Summers, Ben Bernanke, and Timothy Geithner have all presented at the NIC Fall Conference in recent years with the sharp observations and timely insights that can only come from top government officials. These speakers provided their unique perspectives to NIC’s seniors housing and care executive audiences.

This year’s upcoming conference continues NIC’s tradition of featuring nationally prominent speakers. NIC has announced that the opening general session of the 2018 NIC Fall Conference will feature a conversation with the former Director of the National Economic Council and the former President and COO of Goldman Sachs, Gary Cohn.

As seniors housing and care navigates a shifting market and evolving economy, its leading decision makers face a number of potential business challenges, such as the impact of a tight labor market, increasing wages, and rising interest rates.

Cohn will share his insights and observations on the U.S. economy and where it is headed as the influences of a changing global economy, more restrictive monetary policy, and tax reform take root. He will also speak to his views on the potential impact of tariffs on trade, the economy, and inflation; today’s very tight labor market, including staffing challenges for business expansions; regulatory, healthcare, and immigration reform; and the direction of interest rates.

Cohn’s insights on where today’s economy is taking us promise to be highly relevant to our conference attendees, while effectively highlighting the 2018 NIC Fall Conference theme: “Navigating the Present Market and Anticipating the Future.”

The 2018 NIC Fall Conference will be held October 17-19 at the Sheraton Grand Chicago. Click below to register.