Wipfli and Mueller Prost Combine Teams, Expand Healthcare Services

Wipfli and Mueller Prost, two accounting and consulting firms known for their specialized healthcare services, announced in June that they were combining into a single firm.

Top 20 firm helps turn obstacles into opportunities.

To learn about the direction of the growing firm, Ryan Brooks, NIC senior principal, healthcare strategy, recently talked with three Wipfli healthcare service leaders:Ryan Brooks Headshot 2020 Tiffany Karlin, partner, consulting services and director of healthcare; John Oeltjen, partner, risk management services; and Shasta McClary-Brocious, healthcare billing supervisor and reimbursement consultant.

Here’s a recap of that conversation:

Brooks: As an organization focused on providing assurance, accounting, tax, and consulting solutions, can you tell me about the range of services that you provide specifically for senior living providers?

Karlin: I’d like to answer that question by pointing out three key services we’re providing – and how we’re different from other firms.

First, we provide core services, starting with tax and accounting services. But our core services, along with our of our consulting services, are provided by healthcare specialists with a deep understanding of the senior living and skilled nursing industry.

That specific experience and knowledge means we’ve also been able to handle back-office services, such as billing, accounting, Medicare and Medicaid cost reports, and CFO duties for healthcare clients. We have teams specialized in these services, and our expertise runs deep.

Second, our M&A consultants are helping healthcare leaders navigate the changing merger and acquisition market. We focus heavily on business valuation and transition, and succession planning which involves everything from due diligence and negotiations to helping source buyers from Wipfli’s connections in private equity. Our new, expanded team also includes associates from Wipfli Financial Advisors and Wipfli Corporate Finance. They all work together to maximize financial results and minimize risk.Karlin_Tiffany-3916

Third, we’re entering a world of reimbursement optimization with value-based payments. Operators of skilled nursing, assisted living, continuing care, and affordable housing properties are asking what the future will look like and whether they’re positioned correctly. We focus on the full continuum of care, including FQHC health clinics, hospitals, home health, hospice. So, we can consult on partnership opportunities, operations, clinical matters, and financial considerations.

Brooks: Wipfli has expanded the firm several times over the last two years. Can you tell our readers what’s next and how Wipfli leaders are positioning for additional growth?

Karlin: Wipfli has always had a strong strategy of going to market by industry, recognizing that our clients don’t need cookie cutter, off-the-shelf solutions. Wipfli’s teams understand the nuances between manufacturing, tribal casinos, nonprofit organizations and — of course — healthcare, to name a few. The business intelligence, accounting, compliance or cyber needs, for example, are so different for every industry and that need for specialized knowledge is only increasing with all the new challenges due to the pandemic.

Oeltjen: We’ve already seen a lot of excitement among our clients because now with Wipfli we can offer a greater depth and breadth of services. And that holds true in the M&A arena. More and more clients want additional business services. For example, we might be conducting due diligence as part of the M&A service, but the client may ask us to look at whether the billing systems andOeltjen_John-Mueller Prost processes are reliable. Our organizational performance specialists were able to evaluate one client’s ability to change as part of our due diligence. It’s not that expensive and it’s often overlooked when a deal is being done, but it’s the type of assessment our team performs all the time.

Brooks: What changes do you see in the merger and acquisition market for healthcare? How are these changes affecting the services you provide?

Oeltjen: Even before the pandemic started, more venture capital, private equity funds and institutional investors were trying to determine how they can be more active in healthcare and, in particular, the senior healthcare arena. The pandemic slowed the process a bit, but now investors are back. They see a tremendous opportunity to help drive profits in the healthcare space by differentiating services through technology and new methods of service delivery.

Karlin: Nonprofits are looking at consolidation and partnerships too. My East and West coast clients wonder whether large health centers will be a thing of the past, though the Midwest is still focused on this model. Also, home health was already popular with investors before the pandemic. Entrepreneurs see what’s going on and want to be in that market. As a good business partner it is our responsibility to help our clients but also to point out how they need to be prepared. Do they have an administrator who knows how to operate this business? Do they understand the market? We sit down with them to assess the risk before they dive in.

Brooks: Are you seeing a greater demand for due diligence services considering the COVID-19 pandemic?

Oeltjen: Yes, there has been an uptick in demand, the amount of new activity has been significant compared to past years. That being said, COVID-19 has slowed the demand for due diligence services. There was latent demand and now investors think capital gains tax rates will go higher. The deal pace is explosive, along with a general increase in the sophistication of investors in this market.

Karlin: There has been a pause due to COVID-19 as operators waited to see if more government support would be forthcoming from the Provider Relief Fund (PRF). They wondered if they should sell now or see if they would get more help. There is another consideration. Operators must hold the monies from the PRF and Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) until it is forgiven. A change in ownership raises the question of who gets the money when it’s needed to care for residents and expenses are rising. Changing rules have created a lot of chaos. For example, a client acquired a property in 2019 but the Tax ID # still listed the previous owner. Technically, the new owner can’t have the money even though he operated the property all of 2020. Those are extreme challenges. It’s rather complicated and there are a lot of unknowns about how to get a deal done under those circumstances, causing healthcare leaders to consider hiring firms like ours, with expertise in regulations.

Brooks: Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Wipfli conducted an analysis on the impact ICD-10 coding played in the new Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM) for skilled nursing providers. CMS has delayed PDPM adjustments until 2023, but what should skilled nursing providers know now prior to these adjustments being implemented? What should they be preparing for?SLM_with-background

McClary-Brocious: I’ve been talking with quite a few providers. From a clinical perspective, it’s all about documentation. We have to make sure documentation is being completed and reviewed. Documentation has to capture all of the changes being made to the Minimum Data Set (MDS) process. Providers need to conduct their own due diligence internally and make sure their documentation supports all the ICD-10 codes now being reported on the MDS.

The other thing to consider is benchmarking. Compare the facility to the surrounding market and the national market. Is the facility accepting patients at the same acuity level as other facilities? Is the facility accepting higher acuity patients to maximize reimbursement? A comparison provides a better understanding of whether any adjustment in PDPM could impact the facility.

Also, looking again at documentation, studies from CMS show a 30% drop in therapy overall. Group therapy minutes grew 30% and then leveled off with COVID-19 because of social distancing. CMS did recognize that patient care didn’t suffer from this reduction in minutes. But we’ve been putting specific codes on claims to let CMS know that it was a COVID-19-related claim. That will make it easier for CMS to pull those dates of service and conduct post payment audit reviews, which is when the agency will request that documentation. So, now is the time to make sure everything is in order before CMS conducts an audit.

Lastly, providers need to re-examine their therapy contracts. PDPM shifted the whole payment system. We are no longer looking at volume-based care. It’s now all value-based care. Therapy contracts have to be based on value.

Brooks: CMS revised their survey process to ensure skilled nursing properties are properly prepared to respond to the COVID-19 crisis. What are the biggest concerns for skilled nursing properties regarding survey and certification issues? What is the value of bringing in a consultant to prepare for an upcoming survey?

McClary-Brocious: The value piece is simple. The operator is ensuring that a neutral party is testing the facility on that process. The consultant does a trial run to look at infection control as a surveyor would do. The survey process is detailed in 100 slides that are available to everyone. A consultant can actually test whether the process has been implemented correctly. A consultant can also prepare the operator to implement corrections.

Karlin: Everything in this environment is about staffing, staffing, staffing. The staffing shortage is here and won’t go away anytime soon. With survey mandates and continued discussions about workplace vaccine mandates for skilled nursing workers, we will continue to face staffing concerns.

Current staff also must also meet the daily safety requirements around COVID-19. They are working longer hours, and staff burnout is a major concern. Some stats show that we could be expecting a loss of one-third of the care delivery teams. Operators need to get their teams fully engaged.

An external firm like ours can provide outside perspective and a second opinion, but also mitigate some level of risk and regulatory exposure. Hiring a consultant shows the leadership team is committed to the staff. The consultant serves as a resource for the staff to support their journey. Hopefully, we will see a light at the end of the tunnel in regard to staffing, but we’re going to have to think outside the box to meet staffing ratios.

Brooks: Is there anything else you’d like our readers to know?

Karlin: These are unique times — where the challenges are great, but so are the opportunities. We can seize those opportunities, if we elevate ourselves from the day-to-day details to recognize what possible opportunity looks like. I would encourage owner/operators to take that moment. Take that opportunity to collaborate with like-minded individuals in the industry to figure out how to improve the staffing situation. What new products, such as telehealth, have changed the way we do business?

This is a scary time, but it has also brought the senior service market to the forefront. This is our chance now to sculpt the conversation. We can say, look at us. We not only survived the pandemic. We handled it well. We have a high vaccination rate, and we’re looking into the future about how to deliver care better. Operators can leverage consultants, other partnerships, and technology to thrive into the future and show the population how strong an industry this really is.


Seniors Housing Investment Returns Remain Weak in Second Quarter 2021

The total investment return for the seniors housing sector was a positive 0.54% in the second quarter of 2021.

The total investment return for the seniors housing sector was a positive 0.54% in the second quarter of 2021. This marked the fourth consecutive quarterly gain after one quarter of negative returns in the second quarter of 2020 when total returns were negative 1.00%; that marked the first negative total return since 2012 and prior to that in 2009.

The income return in the second quarter was the same as in the first quarter, but at 0.78% it was the smallest quarterly gain on record as far back as 2003. The valuation (capital/appreciation) return fell 0.24%, the seventh consecutive quarterly decline. This contrasts with the NPI and apartments, where the valuation return turned positive in the fourth quarter and saw gains of 2.54% and 2.71%, respectively, in the second quarter of 2021. Many investors have reduced their appreciation expectations for seniors housing as the impact of the coronavirus has weighed heavily on their view of the sector. The valuation return is the change in value net of any capital expenditures incurred during the quarter.

The one-year valuation return for seniors housing was a positive 2.26%, the strongest annual return since the onset of the pandemic in the second quarter of 2020. The 2.26% total return compared favorably to retail (-1.32%) and hotel (-8.27%), but was smaller than the other major property types, including the overall NPI (7.37%). Meanwhile, the industrial sector enjoyed an eye-popping 22.98% appreciation return on a one-year basis.

Note that the performance measurement cited above for seniors housing reflects the returns of 149 seniors housing properties valued at $7.9 billion in the second quarter. This represents the highest property count and market value in the NCREIF time series for seniors housing.


NCREIF Annualized Total Returns June 2021


For more details, download the full article here.


Skilled Nursing Occupancy Increased to 74.2% in June 2021

NIC MAP® Data Service powered by NIC MAP Vision released its latest Skilled Nursing Monthly Report which includes key monthly data points through June 2021. Here are key takeaways from the report.

Reimbursement differential between Medicare fee-for-service and managed Medicare has accelerated during the pandemic.

NIC MAP® Data Service, powered by NIC MAP Vision, released its latest Skilled Nursing Monthly Report on September 2, 2021, which includes key monthly data points from January 2012 through June 2021.

Here are some key takeaways from NIC Analytics regarding the data covered in the report:

The upward trend in skilled nursing occupancy continued in June. Occupancy increased for the fifth month in a row, rising 86 basis points from May to end June at 74.2%. Occupancy is now up 297 basis points from the 71.2% low point reached in January. There continues to be optimism, especially from investors, given the success of the vaccines but the second half of 2021 will be crucial in terms of the occupancy trend. The expectation is that admissions will continue to increase with rising demand and elective surgeries will continue to provide support for additional admissions to skilled nursing properties. However, occupancy still is very low relative to pre-pandemic levels and cash flow and liquidity is a concern at some properties. Occupancy is down 11.2 percentage points from the pre-pandemic February 2020 level of 85.4%. In addition, the Delta variant does pose a threat, especially in some states with lower vaccinated populations.

SNF Occupancy June 2021

Managed Medicare revenue per patient day (RPPD) held steady in June but is down 4.2% from last year in June 2020. The continued decline in managed Medicare revenue per patient day poses a challenge to skilled nursing operators as the reimbursement differential between Medicare fee-for-service and managed Medicare has accelerated during the pandemic. Medicare fee-for-service RPPD ended June 2021 at $560 and managed Medicare ended at $453, representing a $107 differential. Pre-pandemic, in February of 2020, the differential was $92. As managed Medicare continues to grow, operators and investors should pay attention to this trend and adjust accordingly.




Medicare revenue mix and RPPD continue to decline as fewer COVID-19 cases in properties have resulted in less need for utilizing the 3-Day rule waiver and per day reimbursement for COVD-19-positive patients. Medicare revenue mix ended June at 20.0% and is down from its pandemic high of 24.8% set in January 2021. Medicare RPPD is down 2.5% from its pandemic peak of $574 in June 2020. Meanwhile, managed Medicare revenue mix was essentially flat at 10.5%.  However, this is 240 basis points above the pandemic low of 8.1% set in May 2020.

SNF Revenue Mix June 2021-1

Medicaid patient day mix continued to increase, albeit slowly, ending June at 66.5%. It has increased 292 basis points from the pandemic low of 63.6% set in January 2021. Meanwhile, Medicaid revenue mix was flat from the prior month, ending June at 49.7%. One element of the Medicaid revenue share of a property’s revenue is RPPD and that has declined 1.4% since the pandemic high of $243 set in February 2021. RPPD has likely declined due to less reimbursement support from most states as COVID-19 cases within skilled nursing properties declined.


To get more trends from the latest data you can download the Skilled Nursing Monthly Report here. There is no charge for this report.

The report provides aggregate data at the national level from a sampling of skilled nursing operators with multiple properties in the United States. NIC continues to grow its database of participating operators in order to provide data at localized levels in the future. Operators who are interested in participating can complete a participation form at https://www.nic.org/skilled-nursing-data-initiative. NIC and NIC MAP Vision maintain strict confidentiality of all data received.


Interested in learning more about NIC MAP data? To learn more about NIC MAP data, powered by NIC MAP Vision, and about accessing the data featured in this article, schedule a meeting with a product expert today.

Disappointing August Employment Report: Jobs Up by 235,000

The Labor Department reported that nonfarm payrolls rose by a weaker than expected 235,000 in August 2021. The consensus had been for an increase of 725,000. This was a sharp deceleration from July when jobs grew by 1.1 million and June when jobs increased by 962,000. Through August, monthly job growth has averaged 586,00 per month.

The Labor Department reported that nonfarm payrolls rose by a weaker than expected 235,000 in August 2021. The consensus had been for an increase of 725,000. This was a sharp deceleration from July when jobs grew by 1.1 million and June when jobs increased by 962,000. Through August, monthly job growth has averaged 586,00 per month. Nonfarm payrolls are now up by 17.0 million since April 2020 but remain down by 5.3 million or 3.5% from pre-pandemic levels of February 2020.

The data show that the U.S. recovery from the pandemic continues but at a slower pace. The COVID-10 Delta variant may be weighing on the economy as evidenced by the limited growth in the high-contact leisure and hospitality sectors which had been expanding rapidly prior to August. Businesses may be holding off hiring and workers may be holding off taking jobs amid heightened fear of the Delta variant.

Today’s report is important as the Federal Reserve wants to see “substantial progress” in the economy before it shifts monetary policy and begins “tapering” when it will purchase fewer long-term securities for its balance sheet and before it starts to shift toward a higher interest rate regime. That said, Fed concerns about upward pressures on wages may have been exacerbated by the 4.3% annual increase in average hourly earnings.

Indeed, average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls rose by $0.17 in August to $30.73, a gain of 4.3% from a year earlier and up from a revised 4.1% in July. August marked the fourth consecutive month of increases. The data suggests that rising demand for labor associated with the recovery from the pandemic is putting upward pressure on wages. That said, the Labor Department warns that the pandemic has affected the ability to fully interpret the wage data due to the wide swings in employment trends.

Job levels continued to contract for nursing care facilities which fell by 7,100 jobs to a seasonally adjusted 1,364,000 and were down from year-earlier levels of 1,464,600. Jobs also contracted for community care facilities for the elderly, falling by 2,600 to 887,200 and are down from 914,400 one year ago.

Separately and from a different survey, the Labor Department reported that the unemployment rate fell by 0.2 percentage points to 5.2% in August and the number of unemployed persons fell to 8.4 million, still higher than the 5.7 million persons prior to the pandemic. The jobless rate is now 1.6 percentage points above the pre-pandemic level of 3.5% seen in February 2020, but well below the 14.7% peak seen in April 2020. The underemployment rate or the U-6 jobless rate was 8.8% down from 9.2% in July 2021. This figure includes those who have quit looking for a job because they are discouraged about their prospects and people working part-time but desiring a full work week.

Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates were lowest for Whites at 4.6%, adult women at 4.8% and adult men at 5.1%. The jobless rate was highest for teenagers at 11.2%, Blacks at 8.8%, Hispanics at 6.4%, and Asians at 4.6%.

The number of long-term unemployed (those jobless for 27 weeks or more) decreased by 246,000 to 3.2 million but is 2.1 million higher than in February 2020, suggesting that this continues to be a very challenging time for many Americans. Long-term unemployed persons account for 37.4% of the total number of unemployed persons.

The labor force participation rate, which is a measure of the share of working age people who are employed or looking for work was steady at 61.7% in August and has remained within a narrow range of 61.4% to 61.7% since June 2020. Many workers have dropped out of the labor force since the pandemic began to take care of family members or out of fear of working and catching the virus.

The change in total nonfarm payroll employment for June was revised up by 24,000 from a gain of 938,000 to 962,000 and the change for July was revised up by 110,000 from 943,000 to 1,053,000. With these revisions, employment in July and June combined is 134,000 higher than previously reported. Monthly revisions result from additional reports received from businesses and government agencies since the last published estimates and from the recalculation of seasonal factors.

2Q2021 NIC MAP Seniors Housing Actual Rates Report Key Takeaways

The NIC MAP® Data Service, powered by NIC MAP Vision, released national monthly data through June 2021 for actual rates and leasing velocity. This report includes national data as well as data for Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Phoenix. 

The NIC MAP® Data Service, powered by NIC MAP Vision, recently released national monthly data through June 2021 for actual rates and leasing velocity. This report includes national data as well as data for Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Phoenix. 

A few of the key takeaways from the 2Q2021 NIC MAP® Seniors Housing Actual Rates Report are listed below. These key takeaways are based on data included in the Segment Type report. Care segments refer to the levels of care and services provided to a resident living in an assisted living, memory care or independent living unit. Full access to the reports and other takeaways is available to NIC MAP Data Service clients.  

  • For all three care segments (independent living, assisted living, and memory care) move-ins outpaced move-outs for four consecutive months from March 2021 through June 2021, showing continued improvement.
    • Move-ins for the independent living and assisted living care segments reached their recorded highs in the time series in June 2021. Independent living reached 2.8% of inventory and assisted living reached 3.8% of inventory.
    • Move-ins for the memory care segments were also high in 2Q2021 at 4.4% of inventory in June 2021, down from the recorded high of 4.7% of inventory in March of 2021.
  • Move-outs slowed in 2Q2021. For the independent living segment, move-outs were at 1.9% of inventory in June 2021. The last time move-outs for independent living were as low as 1.9% was in January 2020. Move-outs for assisted living segments reached the recorded low in the time series of 2.8% in June 2021. Move-outs peaked at 3.7% in July 2020 during the pandemic. Move-outs for memory care segments were at 3.1% for both April and June of 2021, the lowest it has been since September 2018 when it was 3.1%. For memory care, move-outs peaked at 5.3% in July 2020.
  • Average initial rates for residents moving into independent living, assisted living and memory care segments were below average asking rates, with monthly spreads largest for memory care.

    • The average discount in initial rates for memory care units was 8.6% ($564) in June 2021, up from 6.1% one year earlier in June 2020. This discount of 8.6% equates to 1.0 month on an annualized basis, whereas 6.1% equated to 0.7 month.

    • It should be noted that some operators are providing concessions to incentivize move-ins rather than discounts. Examples of concessions could include a free TV upon move-in or a kitchen upgrade. These types of concessions would not be captured in the discounts reported here.

The Actual Rates Data Initiative is driven by the need to continually increase transparency in the seniors housing sector and achieve greater parity to data that is available in other real estate asset types. Now more than ever, with impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the sector, having access to accurate data on the actual monthly rates that a seniors housing resident pays as compared to property level asking rates helps the sector achieve this goal.

About the Report

The NIC MAP Seniors Housing Actual Rates Report provides aggregate national data from approximately 300,000 units within more than 2,600 properties across the U.S. operated by 25 to 30 seniors housing providers. The operators included in the current sample tend to be larger, professionally managed, and investment-grade operators as we currently require participating operators to manage 5 or more properties. Note that this monthly time series is comprised of end-of-month data for each respective month.

While these trends are certainly interesting aggregated across the states, actual rates data is even more useful at the metro level. NIC MAP Vision is continuing to work towards reporting more markets.

Interested in Participating?

The Actual Rates Data Initiative is an effort to expand seniors housing data and we are looking for operators who have five or more properties to participate. We have expertise in extracting data from industry leading software systems, such as Yardi, PointClickCare, Alis, and MatrixCare, and can facilitate the process for you.

Your organization benefits through:

  • More informed benchmarking, strategic planning, and day-to-day business operations,
  • Increased transparency, aligning with other commercial real estate assets in terms of data availability, and
  • Enhanced investment and efficiency across the sector.

Learn more by visiting nic.org/actual-rates.


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To learn more about NIC MAP data, powered by NIC MAP Vision, and about accessing the data featured in this article, schedule a meeting with a product expert today.