Designing for the Pandemic: A Look at Seniors Housing Design Principles

The COVID-19 pandemic has created design challenges for the seniors housing and care sector that need to be articulated, addressed and navigated. Achieving the right balance between social connectivity and coronavirus exposure has now become one of the key trials facing seniors housing operators.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created design challenges for the seniors housing and care sector that need to be articulated, addressed and navigated. Achieving the right balance between social connectivity and coronavirus exposure has now become one of the key trials facing seniors housing operators. And with colder weather approaching, move-in restrictions easing, more visitation being allowed, and communal dining returning (albeit with physical distancing and other precautions being observed), operators need to think about design principles that help minimize risks to their residents. This blog post highlights a number of design principles operators may want to consider.

Creating Resident ‘Cohorts’ or ‘Pods’

Socialization has long been an established value proposition for seniors housing. Since the onset of the pandemic in March 2020, delivering on this goal has become more difficult due to the risk of infection transmission. Some operators have found success by forming small group ‘pods’ of residents, usually formed with resident rooms or apartments that are clustered near one another. Although this strategy is limited to certain building designs, these small cohorts of neighbors – usually between eight and ten units – can offer residents a familiar sense of community in addition to serving as a peer support group.

Within each group, residents dine together and visit with each other but avoid mixing with the entire community. Common amenities like kitchens and living rooms can be shared within each of these clusters to avoid relying on higher risk multi-purpose rooms or large shared dining spaces. This strategy helps maintain a degree of the community lifestyle that residents have grown accustomed to.

For this strategy to be effective, however, a well-thought out staffing plan needs to be implemented. Ideally, staff should be assigned to specific cohorts and avoid going into other parts of the building. To aid with this, PPE donning and doffing areas should be established outside of each resident cohort area and staff should exit directly to the exterior whenever possible. In some cases, early in the pandemic, these cohorts were made even tighter with staff living in on-site RVs or unoccupied units to further restrict exposure to residents and the community. It should be noted, however, that this plan may contribute to additional staffing costs, boosting what is already the largest operating expenses line item. Where regulations allow, adopting universal staffing patterns, where staff take on multiple tasks, can mitigate some of these additional staffing costs.

Improve Air Flow Through Spaces

A CDC study conducted in the early stages of the pandemic indicated that HVAC systems can be responsible for transmission of the virus. As such, certain mechanical considerations may need to be undertaken to prevent the spread of infection. For example, HVAC systems may need to be ‘zoned’ so that air ducts are not serving multiple pods or established resident cohorts. Other considerations include replacing HEPA filters, increasing maintenance frequency, and adding air exchanges to direct more fresh air into buildings.

In the Joint Center for Housing Studies’ webinar, Designing Senior Housing for Safe Interaction in the Age of COVID-19, balconies were referred to as ‘design heroes’ as they allow residents access to fresh air and a space to interact with others from a safe distance. Unfortunately, adding balconies to existing buildings can neither be done quickly or inexpensively, and in most cases is simply not feasible with residents in place. A more near-term solution is the use of fans to help create negative air pressure environments. Putting an outward facing fan in a window can achieve the desired directional flow of air, especially in high-risk locations such as those with a great degree of shared use or where residents are suspected of being ill.

Design Outdoor Space and Programming to Encourage Use

Most scientists agree that access to outdoor air reduces the risk of infection transmission. Designing outdoor spaces in such a way that encourages outdoor activity gives residents increased opportunity to get both fresh air and exercise. Incorporating frequent points of interest – fountains, flower gardens, picnic areas, and gazebos – along walking paths promotes their recurring use. A NIC Talk being presented at the 2020 NIC Fall Conference, How Will Disruptive Forces like COVID-19 Impact the Design of Senior Living, dives deeper into ways to extend the usefulness and comfortability of outdoor space.

Programming is increasingly moving outdoors as well. Prior to the pandemic, outdoor courtyard spaces may have been underutilized. These spaces are now of the utmost importance and can be reactivated for programming opportunities like outdoor exercise classes. Residents with the option to do so can join from their balcony, while others can participate from a safe distance outdoors.

Sequence Flows Through Buildings to Reduce Pressure on High Traffic Areas

To avoid unnecessary mixing between visitors, staff, and service providers, strong way-finding protocols are an option that can be implemented throughout all parts of a property. A basic strategy is to create one-directional hallways, as is often the case now in grocery stores and retail outlets. In the absence of one-way hallways, and especially for hallways less than six feet wide, an option of recessed pause points may be considered. These can create room for residents to pass each other safely and can also double as rest points along longer corridors. Where possible though, best practice dictates that hallways should be widened to allow two individuals to pass each other while maintaining six feet of distance, although this a challenging proposition, especially in older properties.

High traffic spaces like elevators and common areas should be well thought out as well. Encouraging staff to use stairs instead of elevators helps reduce traffic and leave them available for residents. Improving lighting and even adding music to stairwells can make them more pleasant to use. Other considerations for improving safety of elevator use are to set limits on the number of people who can use the elevator at the same time, creating buffer zones where people can safely queue while waiting, and eliminating the use of buttons altogether by using key cards that can select a rider’s destination.

COVID-19 is causing the industry to rethink senior housing and nursing building design and consider innovative ideas to balance social connectivity and infection exposure. Unfortunately, the upcoming winter months, combined with the easing of move-in restrictions and visitation policies, will bring a renewed threat. This will further prod operators, architects and developers to bring another round of thoughtful implementation of design elements. To hear more on this topic, join David Segmiller, FAIA, Principal, Hord Coplan Macht and myself at the 2020 NIC Fall Conference as we discuss how to balance community, safety, and lifestyle needs for the next generation consumer.

Skilled Nursing  Occupancy 74.6% in July

NIC MAP® Data Service released its latest Skilled Nursing Monthly Report which includes key monthly data points from January 2012 through July 2020. Here are key takeaways from the report:

Managed Medicare revenue mix increases, first time since start of pandemic

NIC MAP® Data Service released its latest Skilled Nursing Monthly Report on September 29, 2020, which includes key monthly data points from January 2012 through July 2020.

Here are some key takeaways from the report:

  1. Occupancy decreased in July and slipped to 74.6%, 10.1 percentage points below its February rate of 84.7% and 9.4 percentage points below its year-earlier level of 84.0%. The occupancy decline was larger in urban areas, which have seen an 11.4 percentage point decrease in occupancy since February to 74.6%, versus rural areas which have seen a smaller 6.2 percentage point drop to 75.6%. Urban areas had a higher starting occupancy level in February (86.1% versus 81.9%). Looking ahead as the Fall/Winter seasons approach, there is much uncertainty regarding occupancy with the potential of an acceleration in COVID-19 cases and the arrival of flu season.
    NIC MAP Skilled Nursing Occupancy 2012 - 2020
  2. Managed Medicare revenue mix increased for the first time since the pandemic started in March. It increased 37 basis points from 7.6% in June to 8.0% in July. Although a smaller portion of revenue than Medicaid and Medicare, the increase in managed Medicare revenue mix suggests admissions may be stabilizing as many states have lifted the suspension of elective surgeries. However, managed Medicare revenue mix is down 187 basis points since March and down 193 basis points from last year in July of 2019. Meanwhile, Managed Medicare revenue per patient day (RPPD) decreased 0.23% from $451.87 to $450.82 in July. Managed Medicare RPPD has increased during the pandemic, albeit slightly, suggesting the significant pressure of declining reimbursement rates have eased, at least during this crisis period. It is up 0.32% since March. However, the pressure on reimbursement has been evident within the data series as RPPD has declined $78 since January 2012, representing a 14.7% decline during that time.
  3. Medicare revenue per patient day (RPPD) decreased for the first time since the pandemic started in March. It fell 0.75% from $556.26 in June to $552.08 in July. However, Medicare RPPD is up 1.11% since March when it was $546.01 The increase since March is likely because of additional reimbursement due to COVID-19 positive-tested patients requiring isolation, in addition to the temporary suspension of the 2.0% sequestration cuts by CMS, which are effective from May 1 through December 31, 2020. Medicare RPPD is up 4.8% since last year in July of 2019. Meanwhile, Medicare revenue mix continues to be relatively steady as it increased 26 basis points from June to 20.8% in July. Since March, it is only down 63 basis points compared to Medicaid revenue mix which is down 180 basis points and managed Medicare which is down 187 basis points.
  4. Medicaid revenue mix increased 28 basis points from 48.6% in June to 48.9% in July. It is down 180 basis points from 50.7% in March. Total Medicaid patient days likely decreased since March, due to lower overall admissions and some Medicaid patients who may have converted to Medicare due to the waiver of the 3-Day Rule during this crisis period. Meanwhile, Medicaid RPPD held steady at $233 from June to July, but has increased 2.5% since March as states embraced measures to help skilled nursing properties such as increasing reimbursement related to the number of COVD-19 cases at properties. However, current Medicaid RPPD does not cover the actual cost of care in most states.

To access more trends from the latest data, download the Skilled Nursing Monthly Report.

The report provides aggregate data at the national level from a sampling of skilled nursing operators with multiple properties in the United States. NIC continues to grow its database of participating operators in order to provide data at localized levels in the future. Operators who are interested in participating can complete a participation form  here. NIC maintains strict confidentiality of all data it receives.

Jobless Rate Slides Back to 7.9% in September

The Labor Department reported that nonfarm payrolls rose by 661,000 in September and that the unemployment rate fell to 7.9% from 8.4%. This suggests that the employment recovery continues.

The Labor Department reported that nonfarm payrolls rose by 661,000 in September and that the unemployment rate fell to 7.9% from 8.4%. This suggests that the employment recovery from the unprecedented COVID-related drop in March and April continues. Roughly 11.4 million jobs have now been recovered during the May to September period. Nonetheless, the level of payrolls remains about 10.8 million below where it was in February (7.0% below). 

Unemployment_Sept_2020The September jobs report is the last such report before the November 3rd presidential election and has thus taken on additional political significance. Despite the employment gain in September, jobs remain well below their pre-pandemic levels in February. Many economists continue to urge Congress and the White House to implement further fiscal stimulus to keep the recovery on track. Some anticipate that without a fiscal stimulus package the recession will deepen further. Moreover, uncertainty about the path of the COVID-19 virus as we enter the fall and winter months as well as the lack of a vaccine continue to weigh on business owners hiring decisions. Finally, the announcement that President Trump has tested positive for COVID-19 has added more uncertainty and may further complicate hiring patterns.

The 661,000 job gain in August was much smaller than in the prior three months. Market expectations had been for a gain of 859,000.  

Health care added 53,000 jobs in September, with gains in offices of physician, dentists, hospitals, and home health care services.  

The 0.5 percentage point drop in the September unemployment rate to 7.9% was good news but is still well above the pre-pandemic level of 3.5% seen in February. Jobless rates fell for adult men (7.4%), adult women (7.7%), Whites (7.0%) and Asians (8.9%). The jobless rates for teenagers (15.9%), Blacks (12.1%) and Hispanics (10.3%) showed little change over the months. The number of unemployed persons fell by 1.0 million to 12.6 million.  

The number of long-term unemployed (those jobless for 27 weeks or more) increased by 781,000 to 2.4 million, a figure that suggests that it continues to be a very challenging time for a number of Americans. Moreover, a separate report issued yesterday on unemployment insurance claims showed that more than 26 million workers remain on government assistance in the week ended September 12.  

The underemployment rate or the U-6 jobless rate fell to 12.8% in September from 14.2% in August. This figure includes those who have quit looking for a job because they are discouraged about their prospects and people working part-time but desiring a full work week. In the previous 2008/2009 recession, this rate peaked at 17.2%.  

Average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls rose by $0.02 in September to $29.47, a gain of 4.7% from a year earlier. The large employment fluctuations over the past several months, especially in industries with lower-paid workers—complicate the analysis of recent trends in average hourly earnings. 

The labor force participation rate, which is a measure of the share of working age people who are employed or looking for work decreased 0.3 percentage point in September to 61.4% and is 2.0 percentage points lower than in February.  

The change in total nonfarm payroll employment for July was revised up by 27,000 from 1,734,000 to 1,761,000 and the change for August was revised up by 118,000 from 1,371,000 to 1,489,000. Combined, 145,000 jobs were added to the original estimates. Monthly revisions result from additional reports received from businesses and government agencies since the last published estimates and from the recalculation of seasonal factors.

While the September improvement is welcome news, the labor market continues to be strained and the recent spike in the virus across many states could hamper further gains. Indeed, some states are backtracking plans to reopen as coronavirus infections are rising again.

Executive Survey Insights | Wave 12: September 15 to September 27, 2020

NIC’s Executive Survey of operators in seniors housing and skilled nursing is designed to deliver transparency into market fundamentals in the seniors housing and care space at a time when market conditions continue to change—providing both capital providers and capital seekers with data as to how COVID-19 is impacting the sector.


NIC’s Executive Survey of operators in seniors housing and skilled nursing is designed to deliver transparency into market fundamentals in the seniors housing and care space at a time when market conditions continue to change—providing both capital providers and capital seekers with data as to how COVID-19 is impacting the sector.

This Wave 12 survey sample includes responses collected September 15- 27, 2020 from owners and executives of 67 seniors housing and skilled nursing operators from across the nation. Detailed reports for each “wave” of the survey can be found on the NIC COVID-19 Resource Center webpage under Executive Survey Insights.

Wave 12 Summary of Insights and Findings

Several themes emerged from the results of Wave 12: battling the pandemic is putting strain on operating costs; resident or family member concerns cited by survey respondents as a reason for declines in the pace of move-ins remain high; there has been significant improvement in time receiving COVID-19 test results; resident demand is increasing; and more organizations are using agency or temp staff to fill staffing vacancies. In Wave 12, more than half of respondents (57%) were tapping agency or temp staff to mitigate staffing shortages—up from 36% in Wave 3—adding to increasing operating costs since the pandemic began. Further, while more organizations continue to ease move-in restrictions, the share of survey respondents offering rent concessions to attract new residents in Wave 12 has grown since Wave 10 from approximately one-third to one-half.

  • Roughly two-thirds (61%) of organizations were easing move-in restrictions in some or all of their locations in Wave 12, up from roughly half in the prior two waves of the survey. Fewer than one in ten organizations in the past two waves were increasing move-in restrictions, presumably due to temporary local and/or state government mandates for move-in moratoriums when a staff or resident in a community tests positive for COVID-19. Organizations citing a moratorium on move-ins as reason for deceleration in the pace of move-ins is at the lowest level in the time series (15%).
  • In Wave 12, more organizations with memory care units reported an acceleration in the pace of move-ins than in any other wave of the survey (51%). This may be simply due to increased demand, and/or it may be due to resident-attracting discounts as half of operators with memory care units (freestanding and/or combined with other care segments) reported offering rent concessions in Wave 12.
  • Although more organizations with memory care units reported an acceleration in move-ins in Wave 12, roughly one-third report an increase in occupancy rates from one month prior, down from 40% in Wave 11. The shares of organizations with independent living units and nursing care beds that report no change or increasing occupancy remain similar to recent waves of the survey. However, roughly half of organizations with assisted living units reported month-over-month downward changes in occupancy rates in Wave 12.
  • Organizations with nursing care beds reporting accelerations in the pace of move-ins retreated to Wave 8-levels surveyed in late May to early June. Respondents citing hospital placement of residents as a reason for an acceleration in move-ins has waned somewhat since the initial surge of hospitals resuming elective surgeries.
  • Significantly, the availability of PPE and COVID-19 testing kits improved in recent waves of the survey. In Wave 12, about three in five respondents (59%) reportedly had little difficulty obtaining PPE, up from about one in four in Wave 10 (27%). Additionally, roughly half in Waves 11 and 12 note considerable improvement in obtaining COVID-19 testing kits, up from about one-quarter in Wave 10.
  • The time frame for receiving COVID-19 test results has also improved significantly over prior waves of the survey. In Wave 12, 43% of organizations indicated their test results were being returned within 2 days. Nevertheless, just over half (57%) note that it still takes three or more days to receive test results, however, this is down from 87% in Wave 10.

Wave 12 Survey Demographics

  • Responses were collected September 15-September 27, 2020 from owners and executives of 67 seniors housing and skilled nursing operators from across the nation. Roughly half of respondents are exclusively for-profit providers (52%), about one-third (36%) are exclusively nonprofit providers, and 12% operate both for-profit and nonprofit seniors housing and care organizations.
  • Owner/operators with 1 to 10 properties comprise 61% of the sample. Operators with 11 to 25 properties make up 22% of the sample, while operators with 26 properties or more make up 17% of the sample.
  • Many respondents in the sample report operating combinations of property types. Across their entire portfolios of properties, 81% of the organizations operate seniors housing properties (IL, AL, MC), 31% operate nursing care properties, and 34% operate CCRCs (aka Life Plan Communities).

Key Survey Results

Pace of Move-Ins and Move-Outs

Respondents were asked: “Considering my organization’s entire portfolio of properties, overall, the pace of move-ins and move-outs by care segment in the past 30-days has…”

  • In Wave 12, more organizations with memory care units report an acceleration in the pace of move-ins than in any other wave of the survey (51%). However, for the independent living and assisted living care segments, the shares of organizations reporting acceleration in the pace of move-ins in Wave 12 of the survey remained similar to Wave 9 (surveyed late June/early July).
  • The shares of organizations with nursing care beds reporting declines in the pace of move-ins increased from Wave 11, and organizations reporting accelerations in the pace of move-ins retreated to Wave 8 levels (surveyed late May/early June). 

Reasons for Acceleration/Deceleration in Move-Ins

Respondents were asked: “The acceleration/deceleration in move-ins is due to…”

  • The share of organizations citing increased resident demand as a reason for acceleration in move-ins is at the highest level since the question was asked in May (88%). Organizations citing hospital placement has declined since the peak reached in Wave 10, surveyed in the latter half of July (28% vs. 41%, respectively).



  • Regarding reasons for a deceleration in move-ins, resident or family member concerns remained high (73%), and slightly more organizations in Wave 12 than in Wave 11 cited a slowdown in leads conversions/sales (55% vs. 48%). Organizations citing a moratorium on move-ins as reason for deceleration in the pace of move-ins is at the lowest level in the time series (15%).

Organizations Easing or Increasing Move-In Restrictions

Respondents were asked to describe whether they were easing or increasing move-in restrictions in some or all of the geographies in which they operate.

  • Roughly two-thirds (61%) of organizations were easing move-in restrictions in some or all of their geographies in Wave 12, compared to 56% in Wave 11 and 50% in Wave 10. One-third (33%) were neither increasing nor easing move-in restrictions in Wave 12.


Organizations Currently Offering Rent Concessions to Attract New Residents and Organizations Experiencing a Backlog of Residents Waiting to Move-In

Respondents were asked: “My organization is currently offering rent concessions to attract new residents,” and “My organization is experiencing a backlog of residents waiting to move-in”

  • The share of organizations offering rent concessions to attract new residents in Wave 12 has grown since Wave 10 from roughly one-third to one-half. Three-quarters of survey respondents indicate that their organizations do not currently have a backlog of residents waiting to move in.



  • The majority of organizations in Wave 12 of the survey continue to note no change in the pace of move-outs in the past 30-days. This has been consistent since the survey began in late March.


Change in Occupancy by Care Segment

Respondents were asked: “Considering the entire portfolio of properties, overall, my organization’s occupancy rates by care segment are… (Most Recent Occupancy, Occupancy One Month Ago, Occupancy One Week Ago, Percent 0-100)”

  • In Wave 12, roughly one-third of organizations with memory care units report an increase in occupancy rates from one month prior, down from 40% in Wave 11, but higher than independent living and assisted living.
  • The shares of organizations with independent living units and nursing care beds that report no change or increasing occupancy remain similar to recent waves of the survey. However, roughly half of organizations with assisted living units reported downward changes in occupancy rates in Wave 12.


  • The chart below shows the entire time series of independent living care segment month-over-month occupancy change data for each wave of the survey between March 24 and September 27, 2020.
  • In Wave 4 of the survey (responses collected April 20-April 26, 2020) two-thirds of organizations reported occupancy declines from one month prior (68%). Occupancy rates began to improve in Wave 9 (responses collected June 22-July 5, 2020), with the largest shares of organizations reporting increases in occupancy in Wave 9 than at any other time during the survey (31%).
  • In Waves 11 and 12, the largest shares of organizations with independent living report no change in month-over-month occupancy (48% and 47%, respectively) since Wave 2 of the survey.ex12chart8
  • Regarding the change in occupancy from one week ago—about nine out of ten organizations with independent living units report no change in week-over-week occupancy (89%). While about one-third of organizations with nursing care beds reported improving occupancy rates (week-over-week) in both Waves 11 and 12, there has been more recent variability in the shares of organizations with memory care units reporting week-over-week changes in occupancy.


Improvement in Access to PPE and COVID-19 Testing Kits

Respondents were asked: “Considering access to PPE (personal protective equipment) and COVID-19 testing kits, my organization has experienced that access has improved… Very little, it is still difficult to obtain enough PPE/testing kits in most markets/Somewhat, in some markets it is easier to obtain PPE/testing kits than in others/Considerably, we typically have no difficulty obtaining PPE/testing kits, regardless of market”

  • The availability of PPE and COVID-19 testing kits improved significantly in recent waves of the survey. In Wave 12, 59% report typically having no difficulty obtaining PPE, up from 27% in Wave 10. About half (48% and 45%, respectively in Waves 11 and 12) note considerable improvement in obtaining COVID-19 testing kits, up from 23% in Wave 10.


Time Frames for Receiving Back COVID-19 Test Results

Respondents were asked: “Regarding COVID-19 test results (either for staff, residents or prospective residents) results typically come back within…”

  • The time frame for receiving COVID-19 test results has also improved significantly over prior waves of the survey. In Wave 12, 43% of organizations indicated their test results were being returned within 2 days. Nevertheless, the majority 57% note that it still takes more than 3 days to receive test results, however, this is up from 87% in Wave 10.


Labor and Staffing

Respondents were asked: “My organization is backfilling property staffing shortages by utilizing … (Choose all that apply).” Note: this question was asked in Wave 3, and then again in Waves 10-12.

  • Organizations are increasingly using agency or temp staff to fill staffing vacancies. In Wave 12, more than half of respondents (57%) were tapping agency or temp staff to mitigate staffing shortages—up from 36% in Wave 3.
  • Three-quarters are offering overtime hours in Wave 12 (down from 85% in Wave 3).


Owners and C-suite executives of seniors housing and care properties, we’re asking for your input! By providing real-time insights to the longest running pulse of the industry survey you can help ensure the narrative on the seniors housing and care sector is accurate. By demonstrating transparency, you can help build trust.

“…a closely watched Covid-19-related weekly survey of [ ] operators
conducted by the National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care…”

The Wall Street Journal | June 30, 2020

The Wave 13 survey is available until Sunday, October 11, and takes just 5 minutes to complete. If you are an owner or C-suite executive of seniors housing and care and have not received an email invitation to take the survey, please click this link or send a message to to be added to the email distribution list.


NIC wishes to thank survey respondents for their valuable input and continuing support for this effort to bring clarity and transparency into market fundamentals in the seniors housing and care space at a time where trends are continuing to change.


The 2020 NIC Fall Conference: More Than Just a Webinar

The ‘essential virtual experience’ is unique, powerful, and well worth your time. Here are just some of the features and experiences you can expect to encounter, as you and your team prepare to gain maximum value from the many opportunities offered at ‘the NIC’ this year. In many cases, the event incorporates virtual technologies that simulate in-person experiences while others are unique to an online environment.

The seniors housing and care sector’s most important annual event will be virtual – but don’t make the mistake of thinking it’s become just another webinar. While the 2020 NIC Fall Conference does share a few features with other events that many of us have attended in this year of virtual conferences, it stands apart as a truly interactive, socially engaging convening of leaders, full of opportunities both to share knowledge and to connect with peers.

In short, the ‘essential virtual experience’ is unique, powerful, and well worth your time. Here are just some of the features and experiences you can expect to encounter, as you and your team prepare to gain maximum value from the many opportunities offered at ‘the NIC’ this year. In many cases, the event incorporates virtual technologies that simulate in-person experiences while others are unique to an online environment.

fall conference lobby

Bump into Friends and Say Hello via Video Chat

The “Essential Virtual Experience” event platform will enable you to see who’s in the room with you, allowing for the kind of chance encounters many attendees experience as they move through a traditional conference. See someone you know? Send a chat to say “hello.” Better yet, invite someone for a video chat to talk one-on-one for up to 10 minutes. You may run into attendees in the virtual Lobby, in the Connections Lounge, or in the Partner Spotlight Zone. You will also be able to see who else is viewing an educational session. Throughout the conference, you can also send and receive emails inside of the event platform, so be sure to check your inbox often.

Peer-to-Peer Connections

Join your peers to share perspectives on timely industry topics. The discussions within the Peer-to-Peer Connections are geared towards creating a community of dialogue on emergent ideas that can provide fresh perspectives and innovative approaches. Gaining insight on how fellow industry professionals are tackling hot button issues can make all the difference in how you navigate your business as you explore various options and potential paths forward. This forum is open to all interested participants.

The NIC Community Connector™

Perhaps the most exciting innovation tied to this conference is the launch of the NIC Community Connector. All attendees who complete the profile registration gain exclusive, complimentary access to NIC’s powerful new networking platform; a custom designed ‘LinkedIn’ style system built to suit the needs of capital providers, owners, operators, service providers, and other stakeholders across the seniors housing and care sector. The innovative online platform provides a means to search for potential new contacts, and to communicate directly with decision-makers.

While launching in parallel with the 2020 NIC Fall Conference, the complimentary NIC Community Connector will remain accessible to all attendees through the end of the 2020 calendar year. Subscribers will retain their access to a powerful set of tools that will streamline efforts to identify financing partners, seek property transactions, and build and grow networks.

The NIC Community Connector is now live. With a completed profile registration, you can now connect with others and access the Attendee Listing. Also, keep checking the platform, as more people sign up, the more powerful it will become. Look for new features, which NIC will continue to rollout this year, providing subscribers with ever-more sophisticated year-round networking capabilities.

Don’t Miss NIC Talks

Our popular NIC Talks series returns—featuring another group of uniquely qualified, passionate thought-leaders, including business leaders, academicians, and leading advocates, sharing their perspectives on the question, “How will COVID-19 impact the future of aging and aging services?”

Presented in the style of “TED Talks,” these popular sessions often pack a powerful punch. Attendees can look forward to viewing the presentations (available on-demand for convenience) in the first ‘Education’ Week of the conference. During the second ‘Connections’ Week, attendees can participate in Zoom calls, led by some of the NIC Talks presenters, for interactive group discussions.


Schedule Your One-on-One LinkedIn Consultations

Veteran attendees know that NIC conferences often feature a ‘LinkedIn™ Corner,’ complete with LinkedIn experts, to help them take their online networking platform to the next level. This year is no different. Book appointments with branding experts to receive one-on-one 30-minute live video coaching sessions to discuss how to maximize your LinkedIn profile to build your brand. Appointments can be scheduled now and will take place daily during Connections Week (October 13-15) from 1:00–5:00 p.m. EDT. There are only 48 slots available, so book early!

Virtual Rooms

The virtual environment mimics our typical in-person conference space. Just as you might familiarize yourself with the conference physical layout, we recommend you survey the landscape of our online event. Don’t worry, the space is intuitive and easy to navigate, well-signposted, and can be fully traversed with the click of your finger.


The Lobby is your home base. It is the central hub from which you can access most of the rooms of the virtual event platform. Don’t forget to look around you and see if any acquaintances are there with you. In this environment, just as in person, you can wave and start a conversation.


Partner Spotlight Zone
Visit NIC’s Premier and Official Partners to connect with their company representatives in the Partner Spotlight Zone. Be sure to make those essential business connections. From here, you can also watch the short videos of Partner Highlights, well worth viewing, particularly if you’re engaged or considering engaging with them in your business.


Connections Lounge  

An all-purpose networking space, the Connections Lounge is the place to go for a host of opportunities to see and be seen, and engage with peers during both weeks. This room hosts public chat sessions, video happy hours, one-on-one LinkedIn consultation scheduling (reserve an appointment early), and provides access to the NIC Community Connector and the braindate™ platform.


Main Stage 

NIC will host our keynote sessions as well as a few entertainment offerings on the Main Stage. Don’t miss award-winning journalist Soledad O’Brien, moderating a discussion with Mark Parkinson, president and CEO, American Health Care Association (AHCA) and National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL), and Andy Slavitt, senior advisor for The Bipartisan Policy Center and former Acting Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Here, household names and political commentators David Brooks and David Gergen will turn their considerable expertise and experience – and wit – to shed light on the factors to consider as November 3 approaches. This election has the potential to impact the seniors housing and care sector both directly and indirectly, and many attendees will be watching this discussion closely.


Concurrent Sessions 

You will come to this room for educational sessions, peer-to-peer video connection sessions, wellness sessions, and NIC MAP® Data Service user group peer-to-peer discussions. You can also come here to see what sessions are coming up, and which ones are currently taking place. Most sessions are available on-demand once they have taken place. Simply visit this space and find the sessions you wish to review at your convenience. Session details and schedules are here.


NIC Resource Center 

In the NIC Resources room, attendees can access NIC publications such as the just released NIC Investment Guide, Sixth Edition, and the Seniors Housing & Care Journal 2020. Links are also provided to access, and subscribe to, the NIC COVID-19 Resource Center, NIC Notes blog, and NIC Insider newsletter.


NIC MAP® Data Service 

Come learn about the sector’s premier provider of seniors housing and care data, NIC MAP Data Service, in this room. Attendees may schedule a NIC MAP Data Service demo, or simply chat with a NIC MAP representative about their needs and how the data service can help their business. Information will also be available for download.


Executive Insights

NIC has created important benchmarks on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on seniors housing and care that will allow the market to be better informed on a timely basis. Surveys are distributed on a biweekly basis. From the Lobby, attendees can access Executive Survey Insights – Market Fundamentals data and analysis on the impact of COVID-19 on occupancy rates, move-in and move-out rates, development pipelines, staffing, and supports for frontline community employees and staff.


Operators can also come here to participate in the survey – an important means to improve transparency, which builds trust, as well as to contribute to greater understanding of the impact of this pandemic on the industry.


NIC Actual Rates 

The NIC Actual Rates Initiative is driven by the need to increase transparency in the seniors housing sector and achieve greater parity to data that is available in other real estate property types. The reporting by the NIC MAP Data Service of accurate data on the monthly rates that seniors housing residents are actually paying compared to properties’ asking rates helps the sector achieve this goal.


Enter this space to schedule a meeting or chat directly with a NIC Actual Rates representative to learn more about this important NIC initiative, or to download more information.

Take a Moment for Yourself

In keeping with traditional NIC events, the virtual experience offers opportunities for personal enrichment and relaxation. Take a break to focus on yourself and join in the fun for a special shared experience. There are so many opportunities to interact with peers, thought-leaders, and prospects, that it’s important to take these breaks before heading back into the fray.

Brand, Brain, and Being Sessions
This series of sessions offers attendees a chance to focus on themselves and gain expert insights on improving personal brand, productivity, creativity, and overall wellness. The ‘Brand’ session offers advice on improving your personal brand to showcase your best self. In the ‘Brain’ session, attendees will learn how to build life-changing habits and explore some of the apps and tools they can use to boost productivity, time management, creativity, and new ways to create value. The ‘Being’ session focuses on mental and physical health, featuring tips on wellbeing, advice on essential oils, how to avoid burnout, how to be happy, and self-love.

Hamilton and Young@Heart Chorus


The NIC always exceeds expectations, not only for pure business value, but among the best perks of the year. This year, allow us to transport you from live networking and industry thought-leadership (for an hour or so) with exclusive performances from Broadway’s most popular show, as well as one of the most unique, engaging, and inspiring groups performing today.


Go behind-the-scenes with stories from the already legendary show, and be transported, as Broadway and film cast members perform exclusive “Hamilton” songs that are simply not to be missed.

Spend some time with the Grammy Award-winning New York vocalist, Sydney James Harcourt, who played Aaron Burr on Broadway, featured in the Disney+ film, and also performed in the famous Obama White House performance.

Lexi Lawson made her Broadway debut replacing original cast member Phillipa Soo as Eliza Hamilton in 2016. Fans also know her from the leading role in the first national tour of “In the Heights,” as well as her portrayal of Mimi in the “Rent” national tour.

Young@Heart Chorus

Ranging in age from 77 to 92 years old, the Young@Heart performers prove you can grow old without growing boring. With over 50 international tours under their belts, their musical careers were launched long after retirement.

Don’t worry. Like many sessions, these special entertainment break sessions will be available on demand, to fit your busy schedule.

For further details on all the above, as well as schedule information, and other Conference-related resources, please visit the NIC 2020 Fall Conference event site.