Executive Survey Insights  | Wave 9, Weeks Ending July 5, 2020

A NIC report providing timely insights from owners and operators on the pulse of seniors housing and skilled nursing sectors. Wave 9, week ending July 5.

A NIC report developed to provide timely insights from owners and C-suite operators and executives on the pulse of seniors housing and skilled nursing sectors.

NIC’s Executive Survey of operators in seniors housing and skilled nursing is designed to deliver transparency into market fundamentals in the seniors housing and care space at a time where market conditions are rapidly changing—providing both capital providers and capital seekers with data as to how COVID-19 is impacting the space, helping leaders make informed decisions.

This Wave 9 survey sample includes responses collected June 22-July 5, 2020 from owners and executives of 85 seniors housing and skilled nursing operators from across the nation. Detailed reports for each “wave” of the survey can be found on the NIC COVID-19 Resource Center webpage under Executive Survey Insights.


Wave 9 Summary of Insights and Findings

Pent-up resident/family demand and the easing of COVID-19 related move-in restrictions (either organization-imposed or government-imposed) freeing up the backlog of pre-pandemic planned move-ins are resulting in larger shares of organizations reporting month over month and week over week improvements in occupancy rates than in all prior waves of the survey.

The shares of seniors housing and care organizations reporting an acceleration in move-ins in the past 30-days—across each of the care segments—is the highest in the time series (March 24 to July 5, 2020), while the shares of organizations reporting deceleration in move-ins is the lowest. In addition to bans on move-ins abating, survey respondents commented that resumption of pre-COVID-19 planned resident move-ins, increased availability of COVID-19 testing prior to entry, and lessons learned regarding sanitation measures and enhanced safety protocols for visiting with social distancing has resulted in growing reassurance about moving into seniors housing. Organizations citing resident/family member concerns about entering seniors housing and care is at the lowest level in the survey time series (38%).

It is important to note that while most Wave 9 metrics indicate more favorable occupancy trends compared to previous survey waves, the survey data is relative to post-pandemic metrics 30-days ago, not relative to pre-pandemic metrics.

  • In Wave 9, the share of organizations reporting an acceleration in move-ins improved, and the share of organizations reporting no change in move-outs increased across all care segments. Between 36% and 42% of organizations reporting on their independent living, assisted living, memory care, and nursing care segments indicated that the pace of move-ins accelerated in the past 30-days. This is the second consecutive wave showing an increase of organizations reporting accelerated move-ins in the past 30-days.
  • As a result, the largest share of Wave 9 survey respondents reported occupancy improvement across all care segments since the survey began. Approximately 80% of organizations with memory care units, 70% of organizations with independent living units, approximately 60% of organizations with nursing care beds and approximately 45% of organizations with assisted living units report an increase or no change in occupancy rates from one-month prior in Wave 9, compared to approximately 50% (MC), 45% (IL) , 40% (NC) and 50% (AL) in Wave 8 (note: while the assisted living care segment had a higher share of organizations reporting occupancy increases in Wave 9, more in Wave 8 reported no change).
  • The nursing care segment in Wave 9 shows the highest share of organizations relative to other care segments reporting increases in occupancy (42%), presumably caused by elective surgeries having resumed in certain geographies. Assisted living leads the other care segments in terms of organizations reporting month-over-month declines in occupancy rates (57%).
  • Regarding the change in occupancy from one week ago—while each of the care segments show the smallest shares of organizations reporting occupancy declines since the survey began—organizations with the highest levels of acuity (memory care and nursing care)—report the most occupancy improvement from one week earlier (34% and 29%, respectively).
  • About one in ten organizations report that it is still very difficult to obtain enough PPE/testing kits in most markets. Access to PPE and COVID-19 test kits picked up in Wave 9 compared to Wave 8, however. More than one in three organizations note that access to PPE and COVID-19 test kits improved considerably in Wave 9, compared to approximately one in four organizations responding similarly in Wave 8.
  • While Wave 9 shows improvement in the market fundamentals compared to previous surveys, there may be indication of potential impending negative impact on move-in rates due to accelerating cases of COVID-19 contagion in areas of the sunbelt and other hot spot locales across the country: fewer organizations indicated they would end move-in restrictions within one month, compared to Wave 8. Half of organizations in Wave 9 (50%) compared to one-third of organizations in Wave 8 (32%) indicate they will wait a month or longer to lift move-in restrictions.

Wave 9 Survey Demographics

  • Responses were collected June 22-July 5, 2020 from owners and executives of 85 seniors housing and skilled nursing operators from across the nation.
  • More than half of respondents are exclusively for-profit providers (59%), about one-third (30%) are exclusively nonprofit providers, and 11% operate both for-profit and nonprofit seniors housing and care organizations.
  • Owner/operators with 1 to 10 properties comprise 55% of the sample. Operators with 11 to 25 properties make up 24% while operators with 26 properties or more make up 21% of the sample.
  • Many respondents in the sample report operating combinations of property types. Across their entire portfolios of properties, 78% of the organizations operate seniors housing properties (IL, AL, MC), 30% operate nursing care properties, and 33% operate CCRCs (aka Life Plan Communities).

Key Survey Results

Pace of Move-Ins and Move-Outs

Respondents were asked: “Considering my organization’s entire portfolio of properties, overall, the pace of move-ins and move-outs by care segment in the past 30-days has…”

    • The shares of organizations reporting an acceleration in move-ins in the past 30-days—across each of the care segments—is the highest in the time series (March 24 to July 5, 2020), while the shares of organizations reporting deceleration in move-ins is the lowest.
    • In Wave 9 of the survey, between 36% and 42% of organizations reporting on their independent living, assisted living, memory care, and nursing care segments indicated that the pace of move-ins accelerated in the past 30-days.
    • Comparatively, between 16% to 26% of organizations with independent living, assisted living and/or memory care segments, and 33% of organizations with nursing care beds indicated that the pace of move-ins decelerated in the past 30-days—the smallest shares reported in the time series.
    • The independent living care segment saw the most growth in the shares of organizations reporting an acceleration in move-ins between Wave 8 and Wave 9 (from 19% to 42%).

Reasons for Deceleration/Acceleration in Move-Ins 

Respondents were asked: “The deceleration/acceleration in move-ins is due to…”

    • In Wave 9 of the survey—as some state and local governments lifted COVID-19 contagion spread mitigation measures—the fewest respondents since the survey’s inception cited an organization-imposed ban (38%), a government-imposed ban (13%), or resident or family member concerns (38%) as reasons for slumping move-in rates.
    • In each of the past three waves of the survey, roughly three-quarters of organizations cited increased resident demand (many due to pre-COVID-19 planned move-ins resuming) as a reason for acceleration in move-ins. Conversely, the primary reason cited for deceleration in move-ins continues to be slow leads conversions/sales.

Time Frame for Lifting Restrictions on Move-Ins

Respondents that reported having an organization-wide ban or mandatory government-imposed ban were asked: “My organization anticipates lifting restrictions on settling new residents into some or all of our communities…”

    • In Wave 9 of the survey, fewer organizations indicated they would end move-in restrictions within one month, compared Wave 8.
    • Perhaps due to increased COVID-19 activity across the country, or a trait of this survey sample, half of organizations in Wave 9 (50%) compared to approximately one-third of organizations in Wave 8 (32%) indicate they will wait a month or longer to lift move-in restrictions.


    • The share of organizations reporting no change in the pace of move-outs is improving. Approximately three-quarters of organizations with independent living and/or memory care units (76% and 74%), and roughly two-thirds of organizations with assisted living units and/or nursing care beds (65% and 69%) note no change in the pace of move-outs in the past 30-days.
    • In Wave 9, while the shares of organizations with memory care units reporting an acceleration in move-outs has steadily declined, the shares of organizations with assisted living units reporting an acceleration has been above 20% since Wave 4 (April 20-April 26, 2020).
    • The shares of organizations reporting a deceleration in move-outs in the independent living and nursing care segments are the smallest since the beginning of the survey.


Change in Occupancy by Care Segment

Respondents were asked: “Considering the entire portfolio of properties, overall, my organization’s occupancy rates by care segment are… (Most Recent Occupancy, Occupancy One Month Ago, Occupancy One Week Ago, Percent 0-100)”

    • In Wave 9, the largest shares of survey respondents reported occupancy improvement across all care segments since the survey began. Approximately 80% of organizations with memory care units, 70% of organizations with independent living units, approximately 60% of organizations with nursing care beds and approximately 45% of organizations with assisted living units report an increase or no change in occupancy rates from one-month prior in Wave 9, compared to approximately 50% (MC), 45% (IL), 40% (NC), and 50% (AL) in Wave 8 (note: while the assisted living care segment had a higher share of organizations reporting occupancy increases in Wave 9, more in Wave 8 reported no change).
    • However, assisted living leads the other care segments in terms of organizations reporting month-over-month declines in occupancy rates (57%).

      • The chart below shows the time series progression of shares of organizations reporting an increase in occupancy rates from one-month prior. The nursing care segment in Wave 9 shows the highest shares of organizations reporting occupancy increases relative to other segments (42%).

      • Regarding the change in occupancy from one week ago—while each of the care segments show the smallest shares of organizations reporting occupancy declines since the survey began—organizations with the highest levels of acuity (memory care and nursing care)—report the most occupancy improvement) from one week earlier (34% and 29%, respectively). 

    • Improvement in Access to PPE and COVID-19 Testing Kits

Respondents were asked: “Considering access to PPE (personal protective equipment) and COVID-19 testing kits, my organization has experienced that access has improved… Very little, it is still difficult to obtain enough PPE/testing kits in most markets/Somewhat, in some markets it is easier to obtain PPE/testing kits than in others/Considerably, we typically have no difficulty obtaining PPE/testing kits, regardless of market”

      • About one in ten organizations report that it is still very difficult to obtain enough PPE/testing kits in most markets.
        However, access to PPE and COVID-19 test kits improved wave over wave. More than one in three organizations indicate that access to PPE and COVID-19 test kits increased considerably in Wave 9, compared to approximately one in four organizations responding similarly in Wave 8.

NIC wishes to thank survey respondents for their valuable input and continuing support for this effort to bring clarity and transparency into market fundamentals in the seniors housing and care space at a time where trends are rapidly changing. NIC also thanks both ASHA and Argentum for their support in encouraging participation in the Executive Survey Insights: COVID-19 survey. The results of our joint efforts to provide timely and informative data to the market in this challenging time have been significant and noteworthy. The Executive Survey Insights: COVID-19 survey is now open. To respond to the survey, please click here.

If you are an owner or C-suite executive of seniors housing and care properties and have not received an email invitation but would like to participate in the upcoming Executive Survey: Market Fundamentals (which will start again on Monday, July 20), please send a message to insight@nic.org to be added to the email distribution list.

Skilled Nursing Occupancy Decline Accelerates in April

NIC released monthly data from the NIC Skilled Nursing Data Initiative which incorporates key takeaways of market trends through April 2020.

Today, NIC released monthly data from the NIC Skilled Nursing Data Initiative which incorporates key takeaways of market trends through April 2020. Going forward, NIC will continue to release updated data and insights on a monthly basis in response to rapid market changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the skilled nursing industry. The following summarizes the monthly release with data from January 2012 through April 2020:

  1. After the initial effects of the COVID-19 pandemic were evident in March, the skilled nursing occupancy rate eroded further and faster in April, ending the month at 78.9%. Since February 2020, when occupancy was still in the 84% range, occupancy has decreased 578 basis points. The acceleration in the occupancy decline is evident as it declined 137 basis points from February to March but declined 441 basis points from March to April. The impact of elective surgery suspension around the country in April along with many other state and local restrictions took a major toll on patient admissions. Historically, the month of April usually does see a decline in occupancy after the uptick in occupancy in the winter months due to higher admissions during flu season. However, any comparison to other years is problematic given the unprecedented impacts of the pandemic. Occupancy is now at its lowest level within the time-series going back to 2012. Year-over-year occupancy is down 554 basis points from April 2019 and down 458 basis points from the previous low set in June 2018 before the pandemic.NIC Skilled Nursing Occupancy 1/2012-4/2020
  2. Managed Medicare patient day mix decreased 97 basis points from March to 5.5% in April as the impact of COVID likely put pressure on Medicare Advantage admissions. Throughout the country, elective surgeries were suspended due to the pandemic and resulted in many insurance plan enrollees forced to delay any hospital procedures that were not life threatening. This likely resulted in a decrease in hospital managed Medicare referrals to skilled nursing properties. Managed Medicare patient day mix is now down 146 basis points from February. The pressure on managed Medicare was also evident within revenue as its revenue mix declined from 9.8% percent in March to 7.8% in April. Year-over-year managed Medicare mix is down 196 basis points.NIC Skilled Nursing Share of Patient Day Mix 1/2012-4/2020
  3. Medicare patient day mix increased, albeit slightly. It ended April at 11.3%, representing a 17-basis point increase from March and essentially flat compared to February. One potential reason for Medicare census holding relatively steady in the middle of the pandemic is the fact that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) waived the 3-Day Rule due to the crisis. This waives the requirement for a 3-day inpatient hospital stay prior to a Medicare-covered skilled nursing stay. This likely played a role in the steadiness of Medicare census at skilled nursing properties during the month of April. This is also evident in the Medicare revenue mix as it hovered around 20%. 
  4. Medicaid revenue per patient day (RPPD) increased significantly from March to April as many states increased reimbursement dollars to skilled nursing properties due to COVID-19. The monthly increase of $4.70 to $226.59 RPPD represented a 2.1% increase and was also the largest monthly increase since 2012 as many states increased reimbursement related to the number of COVD-19 cases at properties. Although this increase was significant, Medicaid still represents the lowest payer type in terms of RPPD when compared to private, Medicare, or managed Medicare. In addition, the concern continues to be that current Medicaid RPPD does not cover the actual cost of care in most states. Due to the measures taken by many states because of the pandemic, Medicaid RPPD increased by $10.53 compared to a year ago, representing a 4.9% increase.NIC Skilled Nursing Revenue Per Patient Day 1/2012-4/2020


NIC continues to grow its database of participating operators in the NIC Skilled Nursing Data Initiative in order to provide data at localized levels in the future. Operators who are interested in participating can complete a participation form here. NIC maintains strict confidentiality of all data it receives.



Jobless Rate Slips Back to 11.1% in June, but Still Remains High

Jobs Increase by 2.5 million in May and Jobless Rate Retreats

The Labor Department reported that nonfarm payrolls rose by 4.8 million in June and that the unemployment rate fell to 11.1%. This is decidedly good news and suggests that the employment recovery from the precipitous COVID-related drop in March and April continues to reverse course. Combined, 7.5 million jobs were generated in May and June, recouping some of the 22.2 million jobs lost in March and April. Said another way, the June level of payrolls was 14.7 million below February’s.


While the June improvement is welcome news, the labor market continues to be strained and the recent spike in the virus across many states could hamper further gains. Indeed, some states are backtracking plans to reopen as coronavirus infections are rising again. Additionally, today’s job report is based on survey data collected in mid-June and doesn’t yet reflect recent government-mandated business closures and subsequent layoffs.

The biggest factor behind the rebound in June’s employment level was the reopening of many businesses, such as the leisure and hospitality sectors, which added over 2 million jobs and retail which added 740,000. The resumption of routine medical appointments may also be helping, with health care employment rising by 358,000 over the month, with gains in offices of dentists (+190,000), offices of physicians (+80,000), and offices of other health practitioners (+48,000). Job losses continued in nursing care facilities (-18,000).

The June unemployment rate of 11.1% was down from 13.3% in May but is still quite elevated by historic standards and significantly higher than the 50-year low of 3.5% in February. The drop occurred despite the BLS reporting that the misclassification of pandemic-affected workers as ‘employed” over the past few months declined significantly in June.

The underemployment rate or the U-6 jobless rate fell to 18.0% in June from 21.1% in May. This figure includes those who have quit looking for a job because they are discouraged about their prospects and people working part-time but desiring a full work week. In the previous 2008/2009 recession, this rate peaked at 17.2%.

The change in total nonfarm payroll employment for April was revised down by 100,000 from a loss of 20.7 million to a loss of 20.8 million and the change for May was revised up by 190,000 from a gain of 2.5 million to a gain of 2.7 million. Combined, 90,000 jobs were added to the original estimates. Monthly revisions result from additional reports received from businesses and government agencies since the last published estimates and from the recalculation of seasonal factors. Market expectations for June had been for a gain of 3.1 million jobs.

Average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls fell by $0.35 in June to $29.37, a decline of 1.1% from the prior month but up 5.0% from a year earlier. The decrease in average hourly earnings reflects job gains among lower-paid worker which put downward pressure on the earnings estimates.

The labor force participation rate, which is a measure of the share of working age people who are employed or looking for work rose to 61.5% from 60.8% in May.

Separately, the Department of Labor reported that the number of new applications for jobless benefits fell by 55,000 to 1.43 million last week. Unemployment claims have come down from a peak of nearly 7 million in late March but have stabilized near a historically high 1.5 million as companies continue to cut jobs.

Silver Linings in a Crisis

Despite the pandemic, senior living providers have inspiring and heartwarming stories to share.

No dining room service. Family visits on Zoom. Routine caregiver tasks transformed into something out of a science fiction movie.

Despite the enormous obstacles, senior living providers have a lot of inspiring and heartwarming stories to share.

Case in point: Police officers and firefighters recently rolled up to Aspired Living of Westmont with horns and sirens blaring to honor the anniversaries of two couples who were married on the exact day 69 years ago. Fellow residents and team members at the assisted living community in suburban Chicago joined in with noisemakers of their own. The mayor of Westmont FaceTimed with the couples offering his well wishes. The staff baked anniversary cakes and gave live piano serenades of old favorites such as “Let Me Call You Sweetheart.”

The celebration looked different than traditional anniversary parties because of the COVID-19 lockdown. But it’s just one example of the good things happening at communities upended by the coronavirus. “We’ve never seen anything like this,” said Mike Ulm, vice president of culture and brand loyalty at Pathway to Living, the operator of Aspired Living. “We’re all in this together.”

The pandemic does have some silver linings.

In many cases, the wider community has stepped up to help which has created new and lasting ties. Bonds have been fortified between residents and staff. They’re more like family. And creative approaches have introduced an element of fun.

Above all, corporate culture has been strengthened by a shared mission to keep residents safe, according to senior living providers. Managers can’t say enough good things about the dedication of the frontline staff under stressful circumstances.

“I am so proud of our team members,” said Lori Alford, a co-founder and COO at Houston-based Avanti Senior Living. The company owns and operates assisted living and memory care properties in Texas, Louisiana, Florida and Arizona. She recalls the uncertainty faced by operators at the start of the outbreak. ‘We didn’t know how this would shake out.”

But the Avanti care teams came through, said Alford. In fact, the company has experienced its lowest absentee rate and the least amount of overtime among workers during the lockdown than at any other time in company’s history. “This pandemic has shined a light on our culture,” she said.

To support staffers, Avanti offered them free telehealth services typically only available to residents. “It was a good way to show the team that we wanted to take care of them,” said Alford.

The pandemic has also galvanized the work culture at Avista Senior Living, according to Kris Woolley, founder and CEO at the Mesa, Arizona-based company. “It’s been a scary, uncertain, isolating, frustrating and nerve-racking period of time for everyone,” he admitted. But it’s also united his team to fight a common enemy that they were determined to overcome. “It’s brought out a lot of goodness in us,” said Woolley, noting how the staff stepped up to cover shifts for each other. “We’ve been pleased and comforted to see that humanity come out.”

The Grand at Twin Lakes, an assisted and independent living community in Palatine, Illinois, offered its workers themed goodie bags weekly. The “movie night” bag included chips, popcorn, soda and candy. Executive Director Melissa Cosentino said it’s a small gesture of thanks and commented that the pandemic has brought the staff closer together. “Our culture has only gotten stronger.”

Pathway to Living created an “inspiration team” to boost worker morale. The team developed an ongoing communications program—the “Voice of Viva.” Team members receive encouraging messages three times a week. Sunday’s message is inspirational. Wednesday is humor day. Friday features success videos, such as a family member praising the staff.

Other positive approaches at Pathway include Zoom trivia and Bingo competitions for the staff and thank you stations with giveaways. “We wanted to create a fun, safe way to connect,” said Ulm.

Connections to the wider community have been strengthened too. Avista posted requests on JustServe.org. a website that links volunteers and good causes.  Local volunteers created gift baskets and hand-sewn face masks for the residents and staff at Avista communities.  

While resident safety is the top priority, it feels good to have fun.

During the lockdown, Avista residents made dance videos on the social media platform TikTok. To facilitate visits, window chats positioned resident inside and their loved ones outside. Residents use a telephone to talk to their families. It’s been a great way to show off milestones like a new grandchild or learning to ride a bike.

Outdoor parades have lightened the mood. Motorcycle, antique car and pet parades have been popular. Community groups perform outdoor concerts for residents.

balconybash5GreenFields of Geneva, a life care community near Chicago, held a “balcony bash.” Six different bands were stationed around the property, including an orchestra and Elvis impersonator. Residents received bright yellow “balcony bash” t-shirts to wear while they enjoyed the concert from their patios and balconies. The staff delivered refreshments to the residents’ apartments.

Family drive-bys help everyone feel better. At Avanti’s Houston project, Augusta Pines, a car parade included family, friends and local community groups. Residents came outside to watch a stream of cars decorated for the occasion and filled with smiling and waving loved ones. “It was really cool,” said Alford. “As I was leaving, a resident said the parade was one of the best days of her life.”   



Executive Survey Insights:  COVID-19 | Wave 1, Weeks Ending June 21, 2020

A NIC report providing timely insights from operators on the incidence of COVID-19 in seniors housing and skilled nursing sectors. Wave 1, week ending June 22.

A NIC report to provide insight into COVID-19 among current residents and to more clearly understand existing conditions by care setting.

NIC’s monthly Executive Survey Insights: COVID-19 of seniors housing and skilled nursing operators is designed to bring awareness to the operators, their capital providers and business partners, and the general public, on the current COVID-19 penetration rates by care segment. Providing data on current penetration rates gives perspective on how the sector has adapted in the three months since COVID-19 was declared a pandemic. Providing data by care segment enables insights into how COVID-19 has impacted the different populations in each segment, which vary substantially in levels of health.  

The initial survey (Wave 1) includes responses collected June 9-June 21, 2020 from owners and executives of 105 seniors housing and skilled nursing operators from across the nation. Detailed reports for this wave, along with past survey findings can be found on the NIC COVID-19 Resource Center webpage under Executive Survey Insights.

Summary of Insights and Findings

Data collected in a survey of seniors housing and care operators by the National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care (NIC), shows operator average COVID-19 penetration varies by care setting among current residents, ranging from 0.3% in independent living to 6.7% in nursing care.

Data also shows COVID-19 testing varies by care segment, with an operator average ranging from 9.8% independent living up to 34.2% in skilled nursing.   

Key Findings

Testing and Current Penetration of COVID-19 by Care Segment

Respondents were asked: “Distributed into the following categories, the total number of my organization’s (independent living, assisted living, memory care, nursing care) residents were: 1) Tested for COVID-19 with a PCR test, 2) Laboratory confirmed positive PCR test, and 3) Suspected COVID-19”

  • The operator average percent of residents tested for COVID-19 (of residents in place on May 31, 2020) for independent living is 9.8%. For assisted living the operator average percent residents tested is 21.9% and for memory care is 17.6%. The care segment with the highest resident testing is nursing care at 34.2%.

The operator average percent of confirmed or suspected COVID-19 in independent living is 0.3%. For assisted living the operator average percent is 1.5% and for memory care is 4.3%. The care segment with the highest average percent of confirmed or suspected COVID-19 is nursing care at 6.7%.


  • Responses were collected June 9-June 21, 2020 from owners and executives of 105 seniors housing and skilled nursing operators from across the nation.
  • More than one half of respondents were exclusively for-profit providers (62%), 28% of respondents were exclusively nonprofit providers, and 10% operate both for-profit and nonprofit seniors housing and care organizations.
  • Owner/operators with 1 to 10 properties comprise 52% of the sample. Operators with 11 to 25 properties make up 22% while operators with 26 properties or more make up 26% of the sample.
  • Many respondents in the sample report operating combinations of property types. Across their entire portfolios of properties, 57% of the organizations operate seniors housing properties (IL, AL, MC), 21% operate nursing care properties, and 22% operate CCRCs (aka Life Plan Communities).


Answering on behalf of their organizations, seniors housing and care owners and executives provided the COVID-19 incidence data shown above. The data is self-reported, non-validated, and based on a convenience sample.

Data is reported as operator averages to prevent the skewing of data that can be caused by larger-sized operators. Operator averages are obtained by first calculating rates for each operator survey response and then taking an average of those rates across the sample.


The following definitions were included with the survey instructions to ascertain specific responses from operators:

  • Lab Tested Positive: Includes only residents who have been tested for active infection with PCR test. Serology antibody tests should not be included. Includes residents who have tested positive for COVID-19 at a CDC, state or local laboratory.
  • Suspected Cases: Means the resident is managed as if they have COVID-19 with signs and symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, but do not have a laboratory positive COVID-19 test result or those with pending test results. 
  • Recovered: For residents in a hospital or rehab setting, “recovered” is defined as having had two consecutive negative tests at least 24-hours apart; for residents in-house, 1) 72-hours symptom-free with no medication, and 2) at least ten days from onset of symptoms.
  • Active Cases: Those who are laboratory-tested positive, suspected positive, or diagnosed by a physician, and are still in place but not deceased and do not meet the criteria for “recovered.”

NIC wishes to thank survey respondents for their valuable input and continuing support for this effort to bring clarity and transparency into the seniors housing and care space.


If you are an owner or C-suite executive of seniors housing and care properties and have not received an email invitation but would like to participate in Wave 2 of the Executive Survey: COVID-19, which will open on July 7, 2020, please click here.