Fostering Leadership in Seniors Housing and Care: NIC and NELS

April 8, 2019

Senior Housing • Skilled Nursing • Blog

As a mission-driven, non-profit organization, NIC is committed to supporting and developing the future leaders influencing seniors housing and care. In its selective process, NIC objectively chooses accomplished young professionals in the seniors housing and care and finance sectors to form the NIC Future Leaders Council (FLC). While gaining valuable experience developing their leadership skills, FLC members further NIC’s mission of enabling access and choice in seniors housing and care by contributing to NIC initiatives, committees, task forces, and publications.  

In addition to developing leadership through its FLC, NIC is also a proud co-sponsor of this year’s National Emerging Leadership Summit for Health and Aging Services Executives (NELS)Over three days in Washington, D.C., NELS provides up and coming professionals with opportunities to meet industry leaders, develop their leadership skills, learn about advocacy, connect with fellow rising stars, and contribute to creative solutions for advancing the field of health and aging services 

Attendees typically hold property-level positions in skilled nursing facilities, assisted living and independent living communities, CCRCs, rehabilitation hospitals, affiliated organizations, and home- and community-based services. In the early stages of their careers, NELS attendees find the event uniquely geared to their needs. The summit offers an engaging, interactive experience focused on professional growth and crafting solutions to improve the field of health and aging services. 

Summit proceedings, outcomesand key conclusions from each year are published in a white paper that is available for download on the NELS website. The white paper for the 2018 Summit details three primary action plans that attendees worked on throughout the year. A Recruitment and Retention Strategies group created a recruitment and retention toolbox with materials and strategies to help address the growing need for engaged workers in health and aging servicesA Policymaking Group produced information on how to understand legislative and regulatory processes and how to contact government officials and policymakers. The Educating Consumers Group focused on educating new consumers and family members about the options and resources available when moving to a SNF, assisted living community, or other residential community for the first time. 

Attendees for the 2019 NELS event will similarly identify areas of importance that they will work on over the period of a year to improve the future of professions in health and aging services as well as enrich the lives of residentspatients, and their families. 

This year marks the 10th anniversary of NELS. For this major milestone, former NELS participants and alumni will be networking and mentoring the new class of attendees. Applications to attend NELS will start being reviewed on Friday, April 19th, 2019 with a hard deadline for application of Friday, May 24th, 2019. Scholarships to attend NELS are also available on a competitive basisApproximately 19 NAB-approved continuing education units (CEs) are available to participants. NIC encourages you to send your best and brightest (or yourself) to NELS in 2019 by applying here.