Michael Kurliand of MedWand Solutions, Inc., Fosters Innovative and Transformative Change as NIC AgeTech Committee Chair

June 25, 2024

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NIC’s Strategic Plan includes objectives to ‘expand the tent’ across five key focus areas – Active Adult, AgeTech, Capital for Operations, Middle Market, and Partnering for Health. Focus Area Committees (FACs) were formed to support these efforts. The AgeTech Committee is led by Chair Michael Kurliand, VP Clinical Quality and Integration, MedWand Solutions, Inc. Kurliand shared his thoughts on his role and the work of this important committee. 

NIC: How did you first get involved with NIC as a volunteer? 

Kurliand: I first became involved with NIC as a volunteer after speaking at the Spring conference in San Diego. The engagement and thoughtful dialogue from attendees both inside and outside the sessions was inspiring; I had never seen that much before at any conference ever. The professionals I encountered were some of the best and brightest in their fields. This experience left a strong impression on me, and thankfully, I was soon invited to join NIC’s Spring Conference Program Committee. This role eventually led to my involvement with the AgeTech Focus Area Committee, where I continue to collaborate with innovative leaders in the senior housing industry. 

NIC: As the chair of the AgeTech Focus Area Committee, can you tell us about the composition of the committee?  

Kurliand: The AgeTech Committee is a dynamic assembly of professionals from diverse industries that work in or with senior housing. Our members are outstanding experts, not just in their fields, but also in technology. We have clinicians, Electronic Medical Record and technology vendors, operators, owners, and lenders. This collective expertise ensures a comprehensive set of perspectives, enabling us to drive the dialogue and education around innovation and transformative change in the industry.  

NIC: Why do you think it’s important for NIC to focus on AgeTech? 

Kurliand: Understanding AgeTech is crucial for senior housing as it advances the quality of care and enhances the quality of life for residents and the people that serve them. By integrating the appropriate technologies, organizations can provide more personalized, efficient, and proactive care. AgeTech-friendly solutions, such as telehealth, remote monitoring, and AI-driven analytics, enable better health outcomes, reduce hospital visits, and ensure safety and well-being. Moreover, embracing these innovations helps address staffing challenges, streamline operations, and meet the evolving expectations of seniors and their families. Ultimately, a deep focus on AgeTech is essential for fostering a sustainable, forward-thinking, and compassionate senior housing environment. 

NIC: What does the AgeTech Committee aim to accomplish in the next year? 

Kurliand: The AgeTech Committee aims to recommend compelling, forward-thinking content in the next year. This includes suggestions for engaging conference sessions, practical workshops, and identifying needed research and educational content. By doing so, we’ll advance the industry through thought leadership and knowledge-sharing. Our goals also include fostering collaboration among experts from various sectors, enhancing the integration of appropriate and helpful technologies in senior housing, and ultimately improving the quality of care and life for seniors and the people that support them.