NIC Fall Conference Chairs Offer Highlights and What to Expect

August 15, 2024

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With the 2024 NIC Fall Conference just one month away, now is the time to prepare to make the most of your time in D.C. NIC Fall Conference Program Committee Chairs, Joe Daniels, Vice President of Business Development at Direct Supply/Aptura, and Tana Gall, President, Merrill Gardens, offer advice on can’t miss sessions and highlights to expect.

Most would agree that we are in interesting times from a capital, demographics, and political standpoint. How will the NIC Fall Conference provide greater insight and clarity into these key issues?

Joe Daniels: The NIC Fall Conference will bring a great speaker lineup, data-driven insights, and terrific networking opportunities to discuss the challenges and opportunities ahead for our industry.

Tana Gall: NIC has always been the leader in providing valuable information for leaders in our industry and we need that knowledge now more than ever. Hearing from and networking with key leaders is critical as we look for new ways to best serve residents.

What are you most excited about as we look ahead to the conference in September?

Joe Daniels: The NIC conference has always had a different energy level to it, which will be even higher this year due to the timing of the recovery and the election. I’m  anticipating this will create a lot of excitement.

Tana Gall: I always look forward to embracing old friends and making new ones. The chance to learn and share is so valuable – each year I walk away from this conference with a new sense of excitement about our mission to serve seniors.

Are there any sessions that you consider do-not-miss opportunities?

Joe Daniels: Election 2024: Political Implications for Senior Living and Strategic Roadmap for Technology Integration and Deployment are at the top of my list – but there are a lot of really good ones!

Tana Gall: All the sessions are intriguing, and I will try to attend as many as I possibly can. I am very interested in the Election 2024 Political Implications for Senior Living – with things changing so rapidly on the political landscape I can’t wait to hear the latest and how it relates to our industry. I also will be sure to attend the Economic Outlook for Senior Living and (shameless plug) I hope to see lots of attendees at Harnessing Resident Technology to Enhance Operations since I am the moderator!

Do you have any advice for newcomers to this year’s NIC Fall Conference?

Joe Daniels: Take advantage of the opportunity. Attend as many sessions as you can and talk to as many people as you can. Ask a lot of questions and gain a lot of new contacts. Finally, take action based on the insights you gain!

Tana Gall: Soak it all in! Attend as many sessions as you can and network, network, network. One of the things I love about our industry is that while we are competitors, we are also collaborators. A rising tide lifts all boats, and the chance to share and learn from each other is so important right now.