NIC Notes Top Posts 2019

Here are the top NIC Notes blog posts for 2019.

January 3, 2020

Industry Leaders and Experts • Senior Housing • Blog

As we embark on a new year, it’s time to look back for a moment and review the milestones of 2019, which, in addition to our most popular posts, includes the relaunch of this blog platform over the July 4th weekend. It’s now easier to search for articles by topic and keyword and easier to read on your phone or other device. We also installed better tracking software, enabling us to better understand which posts are most valued by our readers. As explained in our “Welcome to NIC Notes” post, NIC took the opportunity to change the blog’s name, too, in an effort to reduce the potential for confusion around our mission and focus, particularly for new readers from the healthcare space. Hence, “NIC CARES” has become “NIC Notes.”

A review of the new blog’s traffic reveals that it remains popular, and continues to steadily grow, both in terms of overall views and new subscribers. The most popular posts on NIC Notes remain those focused on trends and analysis, although a perspective piece (Bob Kramer’s views on the “Silver Tsunami”) ranks in the top five for the year. In case you missed any of these, here are the top posts for 2019, dating back to the re-launch of NIC Notes.

CCRC Market Trends: 3Q 2019

When measured both by unique page views and time-on-page, NIC Senior Principal Lana Peck’s “CCRC Market Trends: 3Q 2019” post was the most popular in 2019. Clearly, readers found this post interesting enough to rack up an average time-on-page of almost five minutes – a substantial commitment in a world of momentary quick-scans and high bounce rates. Our analytics indicate that many readers spent much more time with the post. As the post provides a substantive, well-considered narrative on the state of CCRCs, supported by the latest NIC data, and illustrated with original graphs, this is hardly surprising. While Peck refrains from stating any opinions, readers likely value her insights as they work to support their own analysis.

Five Key Takeaways from NIC’s Second Quarter 2019 Seniors Housing Data Release

When NIC MAP releases new data each quarter, and accompanies it with a webinar, hundreds of NIC MAP clients pay close attention. But you don’t have to be a client to gain real insights from the latest NIC MAP data. Blog subscribers know that NIC Notes features a breakdown of the key takeaways, complete with key graphs and some of the insights that are shared in the webinar. Perhaps this is why our quarterly “Five Key Takeaways” posts on seniors housing data rate so many readers. This year is no different, with the second quarter post drawing the most pageviews for the year.

Looking into the Future:  How Much Seniors Housing Will Be Needed?

Another big driver of pageviews is NIC Chief Economist, Beth Burnham Mace. When she co-authored a post with NIC Research Statistician, Anne Standish, titled “Looking into the Future:  How Much Seniors Housing Will Be Needed?” the blog saw a spike in traffic. Their analysis of several scenarios projecting future seniors housing needs at different penetration rates concludes that significantly more housing will be needed by 2040. The post includes their base case results, scenario analysis, and conclusions, along with an explanation of their methods and supporting graphs.

Why ‘Silver Tsunami’ is an Ageist Term

Not every top post this year is supported with graphs and statistical analysis. Many readers found NIC Founder and Strategic Advisor Bob Kramer’s post, “Why ‘Silver Tsunami’ is an Ageist Term” worth reading for another form of insight. He uses the blog to draw attention to his view that “Rather than thinking about a catastrophic ‘Silver Tsunami’ we need to be thinking about the potential benefits of a ‘Silver Stimulus.’” The post links to a more in-depth piece published in the NIC Insider, in which Kramer delves into the potential opportunities that a wave of aging baby boomers will open up for the seniors housing sector.

Current Occupancy Performance Patterns of Older Seniors Housing Markets May Surprise You

Rounding out our list of top NIC Notes posts for 2019 (since July 4), is another post from Lana Peck. Titled “Current Occupancy Performance Patterns of Older Seniors Housing Markets May Surprise You” the piece delves into the latest NIC MAP data to raise some interesting insights – and questions – around an aging supply of properties. The piece is brimming with data points, graphical illustrations, and the observations of a senior professional analyst who spends her time focused on the sector.  

As we look forward to a great 2020, NIC Notes resolves to remain as relevant, useful, and interesting as ever. The blog will continue to post detailed analysis based on the latest NIC MAP data, as well as expert insights on market trends, and the occasional perspective on the seniors housing and care industry. Subscribing is simple – and ensures you will receive a single weekly recap email, linking you to the latest posts, many of which will be read and studied across the sector.