Would you Rather Solve Senior Housing or Health Care for Older Adults?

As of 2021, there were nearly 56 million seniors in the United States. By 2034, this population is expected to outnumber the 18-and-under population for the first time in U.S. history, indicating many millions will need to decide where to live as they age.

by Dianne Munevar  / November 28, 2023

Healthcare and Wellness • Industry Leaders and Experts • NIC MAP Vision • Senior Housing • Blog

Munevar-Dianne_desktopProfileWell, what if you didn’t have to choose? For 40 years and counting, senior housing owners and operators have prepared for and responded to the housing needs of aging adults. This market, which includes assisted living and independent living as well as memory care and nursing homes, has seen immense growth. But two problems remain: affordability and integration with comprehensive health services. These issues will persist for future generations if we don’t start solving them today—to allow our grandparents, parents, and eventually ourselves to live in the settings we choose with the appropriate set of health care services we need to age with dignity. 

As of 2021, there were nearly 56 million seniors in the United States. By 2034, this population is expected to outnumber the 18-and-under population for the first time in U.S. history, indicating many millions will need to decide where to live as they age. Foreshadowing my own personal decision, I will have to consider which setting supports my holistic health needs including my physical, mental, and financial health, as well as my social support needs. 

Housing and health care shouldn’t be an either/or — it needs to be both. 

For the past few years, NORC’s Health Care Strategy team (HCS) has produced ground-breaking research supported by The National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care (NIC) and The SCAN Foundation. We are currently engaged in a multi-year research portfolio with NIC to understand the individual health events precipitating a move into congregate living. Our research will also highlight the potential value of senior housing as it relates to the longevity and health of older adults. What we’ve found thus far is that in the year prior to moving into a senior housing property, people experience an escalation of adverse events and conditions that increase their level of medical complexity, often referred to as “frailty,” as defined by the Harvard claims-based frailty index. Hospitalizations, trips to the ER, accelerated cognitive decline, exacerbations of chronic conditions like diabetes or kidney diseases, combined with the loss of a spouse or partner increase a person’s likelihood of experiencing further deterioration in health and independence. 

But we found improvement—even a potential reversal of sorts. In 2019, about 97,000 people moved into senior housing properties tracked in the NIC MAP Vision database. In the year after move-in, frailty levels of residents improved—there was a 10 percent decline in frailty relative to peak levels. While we might be inclined to attribute that health improvement to their move into a senior housing property, we know that correlation is not causation. Today, HCS is digging into the reasons for this marked improvement in a comprehensive health measure like frailty. Over the next few months and into 2024, HCS will produce research that analyzes longevity and health outcomes for residents of senior housing. We aim to better understand the correlation between senior housing and health outcomes. 

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This research portfolio will provide invaluable insights for myriad audiences and stakeholders including our loved ones, and ourselves, who will soon make decisions about where to spend our golden years. Likewise, other stakeholders, like payers and health plans, and increasingly providers, will need a plethora of solutions to manage risk. Senior housing needs a seat at the health care table, aligned incentives, and payer/provider partnerships.

Housing and health care shouldn’t be an either/or—it needs to be both. A comprehensive solution allowing comfort, care, and dignity to seniors needs to be readily available and affordable so that more people aren’t forced to choose if they’d rather have housing or health care.

This commentary originally appeared in NORC Views, a health care strategy newsletter published by NORC at the University of Chicago.