Your Chance to Join the Disruption

Healthcare delivery and payment models have entered a period of disruption. Industry leaders have begun to consider the effects these changes will have on seniors housing and care.

February 5, 2020

Senior Housing • Blog

Recent changes demonstrate that healthcare delivery and payment models have entered a period of disruption. While this may not yet be a top concern for everyone, many industry leaders have already begun to consider, and even embrace, the effects these changes will have on seniors housing and care.  

Traditional players in the healthcare system are looking to provide better outcomes for lower cost and are rethinking their models — particularly as they relate to caring for an aging population. Healthcare players traditionally involved in creating networks to provide acute care are increasingly emphasizing wellness, care coordination, and management of chronic conditions in order to reduce and prevent acute care episodes.

This shift creates new opportunities for seniors housing and care providers who are willing to adapt. As new entrants and unusual partnerships continue to emerge, the walls separating healthcare and seniors housing are breaking down.

The 2020 NIC Spring Conference, held in San Diego next month, invites attendees to learn more about the disruption occurring as seniors housing and healthcare begin to converge.

During the conference morning general session: “Join the Disruption: Convergence of Healthcare and Seniors Housing,” a panel of experts will discuss why changes in healthcare delivery and payment models are occurring; how partnerships can slow the rising trajectory of healthcare costs and improve healthcare outcomes for high-need, high-cost frail elders; and how partnerships with healthcare providers and payors can generate revenue for seniors housing providers while improving resident quality of life and length of stay. NIC Founder & Strategic Advisor, Bob Kramer will be joined by keynote speakers David Nash, M.D., founding dean emeritus, College of Population Health at Thomas Jefferson University, Will Shrank, M.D., chief medical officer at Humana, Inc., and Dan Lindh, president & CEO, Presbyterian Homes & Services, for this highly enlightening discussion.

In addition to thought-provoking educational programming, the NIC Spring Conference offers a unique opportunity to make connections with other leaders in the field while gaining the latest data-driven industry insights. Bringing together more than 1,700 owners, operators, and capital providers, — plus numerous healthcare leaders — the upcoming NIC Spring Conference is a must-attend event for decision makers across the sector. Learn more about the conference.