Attention: Calendar of Events

September 14, 2010

Press Release

Press Room – 2010 NIC Press Releases

Attention: Calendar of Events

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 14, 2010
Contact: Renee Tilton, (410) 626-0805 or

2011 NIC Regional Symposium
New Opportunities, New Realities: What’s in Your Playbook?
March 7-8, 2011

2011 NIC National Skilled Nursing Investment Forum
The Future of the Skilled Nursing Industry: Strategies for Survival & Success in Fiscal Uncertainty
March 8-10, 2011

The events will be co-located at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza, at 2025 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, CA 90067. While the events will be held in the same location, overlap in the programming of this year’s events has been minimized to better reach the target audiences.

Registration for the events will open in early October 2010.

For more information visit and

About NIC

Founded in 1991, the National Investment Center for the Seniors Housing & Care Industry is a nonprofit education and research organization providing information about business strategy and capital formation for the senior living industry. NIC is the leading provider of historical and trend data on the industry through its NIC MAP® Data and Analysis Service that tracks properties in the 100 largest metropolitan areas. Proceeds from its annual conference and other events are used to fund data and research on issues of importance to lenders, investors, developers, operators, and others interested in meeting the housing and care needs of America’s seniors. For more information, visit or call (410) 267-0504.