NIC Offers Rare Opportunity for Business Plans to be Considered at Regional Symposium Breakout Session

January 12, 2011

Press Release

Press Room – 2011 NIC Press Releases

NIC Offers Rare Opportunity for Business Plans to be
Considered at Regional Symposium Breakout Session

Contact: Nicole Opatz or call (410) 267-0504

Annapolis, Md. – In preparation for a special breakout session during the 2011 NIC Regional Symposium in March, the National Investment Center for the Seniors Housing & Care Industry has issued a call for business plan submissions from seniors housing businesses interested in presenting investment opportunities to a panel of deal-making experts and investors. The opportunities must relate to the seniors housing and care industry and can range from services to real estate and span such areas as new development, recapitalization, acquisition, renovation or expansion, or new product offering.

During “Competing for Capital in a Challenging Climate,” participating companies will make presentations to a panel of respected professionals from the capital markets who will pose challenging questions and provide commentary to help them sharpen the organization and delivery of their plans. These panelists will focus on identifying the less-visible risk factors of each business plan and suggest strategies for addressing them. Prior to the session, qualified business advisors will coach each presenter, giving instructive guidance to help ensure that the information is comprehensive and sufficiently well-developed for a successful presentation.

For consideration, executive summaries of business plans for projects seeking to raise debt or equity financing should be emailed to Nicole Opatz at by January 31, 2011. No more than three business plans will be analyzed during the session. For questions or to receive additional information, call (410) 267-0504.

“This is a rare opportunity for seniors housing entrepreneurs to preview their ideas for revenue growth and bottom line improvement with, and receive direct feedback and insight from, some of the most esteemed and active capital markets professionals in the business,” said the panel”s moderator, Kenneth Segarnick, Managing Director, Business Development, Brandywine Senior Living. “Those in attendance will also benefit from observing firsthand the perspectives and tactical suggestions of investors and lenders as they ask questions, discuss the selected business plans and describe key steps to improve position and attract financing.”

Members of the panel for the session will include: Charles J. Herman Jr., executive V.P. & chief investment officer, Health Care REIT, Inc.; Patrick M. Hurst, managing director, Houlihan Lokey; Noah Levy, managing director, Prudential Real Estate Investors; Eric Mendelsohn, senior V.P. Corporate Development, Emeritus Senior Living; and, John Stasinos, vice president – Acquisitions and Valuations, HCP, Inc.

The 2011 NIC Regional Symposium will take place March 7-8, 2011, at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza, 2025 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, CA 90067.

About NIC

Founded in 1991, the National Investment Center for the Seniors Housing & Care Industry is a nonprofit education and research organization providing information about business strategy and capital formation for the senior living industry. NIC is the leading provider of historical and trend data on the industry through its NIC MAP® Data and Analysis Service that tracks more than 12,000 properties on a quarterly basis in the 100 largest metropolitan markets. Proceeds from its annual conference and other events are used to fund data and research on issues of importance to lenders, investors, developers, operators, and others interested in meeting the housing and care needs of America’s seniors. For more information, visit or call (410) 267-0504.