Active Adult White Paper: Defining the Emerging Property Type
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    Active Adult White Paper: Defining the Emerging Property Type

    Active Adult is the latest property type filling the needs of older adults. NIC is now a source of information on this fast-growing segment.

    October 1, 2022

    Active Adult • White Paper

    Bringing together investors, operators, and industry thought leaders, NIC has defined the active adult property type to help bring common understanding to and insights on the growing opportunity.  

    Active Adult Rental Properties 

    Defining the Emerging Property Type

    The performance and growth of active adult rental properties continues to spark real estate developer and investor interest. 

    Download this NIC white paper for answers to these questions: 

    • How is “active adult” defined? 
    • What is important to understand when entering the active adult market? 
    • Who is currently working with active adult, and what insights have they shared?  
    • What are the consumer demographics of active adult communities? 
    • How does active adult differ from independent living, and from multifamily? 
    • And much more